PRB Mauritius

Manraj Report: Officers Statistics Mauritius Show in Port-Louis Streets

Unusual scene in the streets of the capital on Monday, July 8. One hundred officers Statistics Mauritius showed mid-day to protest against the recommendations of Dev Manraj of anomalies of the last report Pay Research Bureau (PRB).

08 Jul 2013,

PRB Policy: Rs 282,000 per Month (+ Rs 72,000) for the PM

The National Assembly will be asked to approve at its meeting Tuesday the new scale of allowances for ministers and parliamentarians as well as the President and the Vice-President of the Republic. Bills will be driven on by Prime Minister Navin Ramgoolam.

17 Jun 2013,

Committee to Look for Anomalies in the Manraj Report

The unionist Narendranath Gopee ad a meeting with the Minister of Public Service, Sutyadeo Moutia on Thursday, June 6. He particularly noted anomalies in the report Dev Manraj. And "The meeting was very positive."

07 Jun 2013,

PRB: New Wages Paid In Three Steps

Cold shower for all staff. A circular on the implementation of the report about abnormalities PRB 2013 indicates that the wage revision advocated by Dev Manraj be made in three stages.

31 May 2013,

PRB 2013: "Frustration and Working Conditions Unexciting"

The Office Clerk Branch, Ministry of Social Security and National Identity Card Unit, affiliated to the Government Service Employees Association (GSEA), discusses working conditions unexciting and frustration, after the publication of the Errors & Omissions Pay Research Bureau (PRB) 2013.

31 May 2013,

Implementation of PRB Correction Report: Officials Informed about Details at Friday

By the end of this week, the Department of Public Service will issue the long-awaited by officials circular, which aims to endorse the changes by Manraj report. This is the minister, Sutyadeo Moutia, who announced on Wednesday the launch of a training program for members of the VIPSU at Vacoas.

30 May 2013,

PRB Report Errors, Omissions and Anomalies: And the Winners Are ...

The report on the errors, omissions and anomalies Pay Research Bureau, released last Monday, was quite happy. Among the teachers, nurses and constables.

26 May 2013,

PRB and Manraj Recommendations Cost Rs 4300 per Year for Each Mauritian

It is the taxpayers who will have to cough up funding recommendations Manraj report, endorsed by the Council of Ministers, Monday, May 20

23 May 2013,

PRB Payé in Toto avec Effet Rétroactif à Janvier 2013

Le Premier ministre Navin Ramgoolam a déclaré que les revendications syndicalistes étaient légitimes, surtout lorsqu’il s’agit de la nécessité de réduire l’écart salarial entre les hauts et les petits fonctionnaires.

22 May 2013,

PRB: Feedback from Unionists and Economists

The Manraj report on "errors, omissions and anomalies" of the last report Pay Research Bureau (PRB) was endorsed and released by Cabinet on Monday night.

21 May 2013,

PRB: Reducing Gap Between High And Low Wages

Each member of the public is entitled to a minimum of 22% increase in base salary. Thus, the exception report Dev Manraj account the gap between the largest salaries in the public and those at the bottom of the ladder. The ratio of the salary of a General Worker to that of a Permanent Secretary (PS) therefore pass 1:8,6 in 2008 to 1:7.5.

21 May 2013,

PRB Report: New Salary

What are the new salaries in the public and quasi-public body? To find out, download the salary scales in the report Errors and Omissions PRB released Monday, May 20

21 May 2013,

Correction Report PRB: Retroactive Effect from January 2013

The report Dev Manraj on "Errors and Omissions" the Pay Research Bureau will be applied with retroactive effect from January 2013, Navin Ramgoolam announced Monday. Readjustments of the PRB in 2013 cost Rs 1 billion in additional countries.

20 May 2013,

PRB : Décision Finale Lundi

Le conseil des ministres se réunira en séance spéciale ce lundi pour examiner le rapport de Dev Manraj sur les anomalies, les erreurs et les omissions découlant du dernier rapport du Pay Research Bureau (PRB). Le gouvernement a pris connaissance, vendredi, du rapport ‘Errors, Omissions and Anomalies’ et a décidé de l’examiner en profondeur lors d’une séance spéciale.

18 May 2013,

Dev Manraj Hospitalized After Heart Attack

The final touches to the report on the anomalies of PRB will probably wait a little longer. Dev Manraj had a heart attack yesterday afternoon. He was taken to the "Cardiac Unit" of the Victoria Hospital, where he angiography.

15 May 2013,

PRB : Bras de Fer PMO/Finances

Prêt depuis fin mars dernier, le rapport de Dev Manraj sur les anomalies du dernier rapport salarial du Pay Research Bureau (PRB) à l’intention des fonctionnaires et des employés des corps para-étatiques attend toujours d’être approuvé par le conseil des ministres.

12 May 2013,

Manraj Report: The State is Still Considering the Implications

"In time we will come forward ... "These are the words of the Minister of Public Service, Sutyadeo Moutia on Manraj Report. At this point, the state scrutinizes the report Dev Manraj on "Errors and Omissions" the Pay Research Bureau (PRB).

27 Apr 2013,

PRB: No to Unreasonable Demands, says PM

"Certainly, adjustments will be made where possible, but there is no question of accepting unreasonable demands at the risk of the economy," said the Prime Minister on the forthcoming publication of the report on anomalies PRB salary report 2013.

05 Apr 2013,

PRB: Manraj’s Report Will be Discussed Monday

Officials will have to wait again. Dev Manraj report on "Errors and omissions" of the Pay Research Bureau will be discussed at a special meeting of the Council of Ministers next week.

31 Mar 2013,

PRB : Le Suspense Toujours de Mise

À la mi-journée, le suspense était toujours de mise au sujet de la publication du rapport Manraj sur les Errors and Omissions du Pay Research Bureau (PRB).

29 Mar 2013,