Point de Vue Mauritius


Tel un boomerang, le mauvais traitement infligé à la nature risque de se retourner contre nous. Sans l'ombre d'un doute, la race humaine est entrée dans une nouvelle phase d’extinction, écrivent les chercheurs des universités américaines de Sandford, Berkeley, Princeton.

26 Jul 2015, Le Dimanche/L'Hebdo

A growing concern

The Mauritius Family Planning Welfare Association (MFPWA) reported that since the beginning of the year, 35 teens who have been sexually abused have fallen pregnant. The majority of the victims are between 12 and 15 years old. From January to March 2014, the MFPWA has recorded that 45 of 96…

19 Jul 2015, Le Dimanche/L'Hebdo

Shortage of medicines

Drugs shortage in our hospitals and chemist shops have become an acute problem, especially in certain rural hospitals. This is obviously a problem of management. The Central Medical Store is responsible for the supply of drugs to hospitals, dispensaries and chemist shops across the country. Is there something wrong in…

12 Jul 2015, Le Dimanche/L'Hebdo

Young people unite

We, young people, are branded as uninterested by politicians, lazy by suited bosses, racketeers by the police. Our era of technological prowess and instant communication is frown upon, our interests are criticised and our anxieties are mocked. We’ve become the scapegoat to everyone’s ills.

12 Jul 2015, Le Dimanche/L'Hebdo

Debate on depenalisation

Cannabis must be depenalised to keep people safe. Our current legislation is putting people at risk. Possession, consumption and cultivation of cannabis in Mauritius are all strictly illegal.

05 Jul 2015, Le Dimanche/L'Hebdo

Increase of cancer

Cancer is on the increase in Mauritius. Every year, the National Cancer Registry registers 2000 new cases. And hundreds of Mauritians died of cancer annually. Many health experts reckon that one of the major causes is pesticides and other chemical substances that planters or crop growers use in vegetables and…

05 Jul 2015, Le Dimanche/L'Hebdo

Reviewing interrogation methods

It is high time now that our Criminal Justice System mainly on our law of evidence and on police interrogation techniques need reviewing thoroughly. According to Judges Rules, police have to caution a suspect before interrogating him or her.

28 Jun 2015, Le Dimanche/L'Hebdo

Our system is fundamentally bad

The paycheck you get at the end of each month is not based on your hard work, commitment or loyalty. It’s based on a system that’s so unfair, unethical and selfish, it’s a wonder we’re still seemingly fine with it.

21 Jun 2015, Le Dimanche/L'Hebdo

God-given gift

“The man who has no music in himself, nor is he moved by the concords of sweet sound, is fit for, stratagem, trick and spoil”, wrote William Shakespeare. Confucius (551-478 BC) had another wise saying : “If you wish to know whether a country’s government is well-regulated and its customs…

21 Jun 2015, Le Dimanche/L'Hebdo

Top post

Justice and righteousness object that some people must be disqualified to hold prestigious job in the running of one’s country. Oligarchic practice, long entertained by ignorance, should be a thing of the past.

14 Jun 2015, Le Dimanche/L'Hebdo

Hindi Teachers News : Abolition du CPE et du 9-Year Schooling : pourquoi pas un ‘Blue Print’ pour mieux préparer l’avenir ?

L’abolition du Certificate of Primary Education (CPE) dans le sillage de l’introduction du ‘9-Year Schooling’ est maintenant officialisée dans le discours-programme du gouvernement dirigé par le Premier Ministre, sir Anerood Jugnauth. Ces examens seront remplacés par un « end of primary cycle assessment », dont le modus operandi conduit sera…

01 Feb 2015, Le Dimanche/L'Hebdo

State Lands occupied by squatters !

The new policy for the newly elected government is to recover all illegally occupied state lands from certain lease-holders granted by the former government. What about state lands occupied by squatters?

01 Feb 2015, Le Dimanche/L'Hebdo

Beau-Vallon : Le bassin avocat

Non loin du musée Naval, autrefois connu comme la maison Robillard, du côté du château Guête mahébourgeois, blotti en un lieu isolé, se trouve un grand bassin.

01 Feb 2015, Le Dimanche/L'Hebdo

Le tronçon routier Terre-Rouge-Verdun fissuré

Les grosses averses de ces derniers jours ont provoqué une saturation du sol un peu partout à travers le pays. La nouvelle route Terre-Rouge-Verdun montre ses faiblesses. Des fissures, apparues à la suite du mouvement du sol dans cette zone, représentent un danger pour l’ensemble des usagers empruntant cette autoroute.…

01 Feb 2015, Le Dimanche/L'Hebdo

Bravo au nouveau gouvernement pour le ministère de la bonne gouvernance

Justement élu sur une plate-forme de nettoyage des abus et de mauvaise gouvernance de l’ancien régime, le nouveau gouvernement donne le bon ton, avec ces ministère et ces enquêtes déjà initiées sur divers dossier. Un exemple type étant celui de Betamax, cas de mauvaise gouvernance que Democracy Watch a régulièrement…

18 Jan 2015, Le Dimanche/L'Hebdo

Nominations hâtives, sans appels de candidatures

Texte : « Espérons que les talents des personnes nommées (à la MBC, à l’ICAC, au Port, à la BOM, etc.) soient mis à contribution le temps d’une transition, en attendant les appels de candidatures annoncée et promises ». Maurice vient de passer dix ans à subir la politique des…

18 Jan 2015, Le Dimanche/L'Hebdo

Identification of flood prone areas

Flood is becoming a great danger from time to time to the lives of people where there is an urgent need to review the security of people’s life and property. News headlines recently about tragic casualties by floods in some parts of Europe have stunned the world.

18 Jan 2015, Le Dimanche/L'Hebdo

Un an de prison pour un jet d’acide

Textes : Agression du Dr Malhotra. Les accusés plaident coupables. Ils écopent d’un an de prison (Divers journaux)Commentaire : Nous connaissons que trop cette sordide affaire d’injustifiable vengeance d’ordre médical. La contestation d’un premier verdict permet au conseil privé de la reine Elizabeth II d’ordonner la tenue d’un nouveau procès.

18 Jan 2015, Le Dimanche/L'Hebdo

Fleur banané

C’est un arbre qui continue de croître aisément depuis des temps anciens. Il a poursuivi, saison après saison, son avancée vers le ciel, jusqu’à s’imposer dans la nature.

28 Dec 2014, Le Dimanche/L'Hebdo

A new dawn

Ambition and teachery form an explosive combination that can turn into a terrifying nightmare. In fairness towards men of goodwill, one pledges one’s trust to help build one’s country.

28 Dec 2014, Le Dimanche/L'Hebdo