STC Mauritius

PNQ : Bérenger Demandera au Gouvernement de Considérer une Baisse des Prix des Carburants

La Private Notice Question (PNQ) de ce mardi 13 décembre, sera axée sur le prix de l’essence et du diesel.

13 Dec 2011,

STC Awarded the Contract for 76,000 Tons of Flour to Moulins de la Concorde

LMLC has trumped against the Turkish company Erisler Gida. Was granted 100% of the contract to supply flour by the State Trading Corporation for the period February 2012 to January 2013.

12 Dec 2011,

LMLC Fournira 76 000 Tonnes de Farine en 2012

C’est Les Moulins de la Concorde (LMLC) qui a décroché le contrat pour approvisionner le pays en farine l’année prochaine. LMLC en fournira 76 000 tonnes à $442 la tonne.

08 Dec 2011,

32 000 Tons of Fuel to Avoid Shortages

To ensure that the country can have an adequate supply of petroleum products at this time of year end, the State Trading Corporation (STC) has sent the tanker Eternity Alpine New Oil Jetty in Port Louis on Tuesday night.

08 Dec 2011,

Rice ration: The State Trading Corporation will no longer impose quotas to traders

The State Trading Corporation (STC) has decided to lift the quota imposed on traders. This is to stop the "artificial shortages" created by some because of the higher quality of rice on the market.

24 Nov 2011,

Fuel: no increase before January

There is no need for motorists to frown at this time of year-end. The State Trading Corporation (STC) has no plans to increase fuel prices by the end of December.This was stated in The Sunday Morning, a senior official of the parastatal bodies.

21 Nov 2011,

Essence-Ethanol : le mélange bientôt réalité

Les voitures rouleront avec un mélange d’essence et de 5 % d’éthanol dans un futur relativement proche à Maurice. En effet, ce projet piloté par le Groupe Omnicane est en phase de finalisation.

21 Nov 2011,

Transport De Carburants Vers Maurice – Le Contrat STC/Betamax Contient Une Clause De Confidentialité

La State Trading Corporation (STC) et la firme Betamax sont liées par un contrat qui contient une clause de confidentialité.

10 Nov 2011,

Parliament: Ramgoolam Once Again Questioned The Hedging To The STC

The next parliamentary session does not look an easy to Navin Ramgoolam. It will, among other things, explain the performance of hedging done by the STC in 2008, but also the theft on his property in Roches Noires.

07 Nov 2011,

Hedging : Un document de la State Trading Corporation contredit la version de Jeetah

Un document émanant de la State Trading Corporation (STC) indique que le ministre Jeetah aurait effectivement donné son «accord verbal» à l’exercice de hedging effectué en 2008.

13 Oct 2011,

Hedging around the purchase of fuel: Pravind Jugnauth calls for an investigation

MedPoint The case was one of the main topics discussed today by the leader of the MSM at its press conference.

10 Oct 2011,

Location - The exorbitant prices of Betamax

The STC must pay three times more for oil Betamax as other operators. Throughout the 15-year contract, the rent will also be constantly revised upwards.

16 Sep 2011,

Fuel: "the price will not drop anytime soon"

Oil prices on the world market continues to play yoyo. If it had taken an upward trend a few months ago, now it has taken a downward trend.

05 Sep 2011,

Avec la baisse des cours pétroliers – Carburant : révision des prix la semaine prochaine

Le Petroleum Pricing Committee se réunira probablement la semaine prochaine pour passer en revue les cours du pétrole sur le marché international. Entre-temps, les associations des consommateurs réclament vivement une baisse des prix du diesel et de l’essence.

14 Aug 2011,

Oil prices down

An oil price on the world market continues to play yoyo. After the upward trend in recent months, the price is experiencing a trend completely opposite. Last week, the price of oil was at $ 112.570 and Tuesday it was $ 100.85, while the "light sweet crude" is dropped below 80 dollars.

10 Aug 2011,

Oil is $ 117.91 for a barrel

The oil price is $ 117.91 a barrel on the world market or to its highest level in a month. Two months ago, it had reached the $ 109 bar

26 Jul 2011,

Rapport confidentiel – Des manquements dans le dossier du pétrolier Betamax

Un rapport ultraconfidentiel d’Insight Forensics Ltd, livré en février 2011 à la nouvelle direction de la State Trading Corporation (STC), révèle une multitude de maldonnes et de mauvaises pratiques sur plusieurs dossiers.

29 Jun 2011,

Carburants : prix inchangés

Contrairement à ce qu’ont prévu certains observateurs, le prix des produits pétroliers est resté inchangé sur le marché lundi soir. Une baisse de prix n’est pas envisagée dans l’immédiat.

28 Jun 2011,

Rapport confidentiel – Un gouffre financier nommé State Trading Company Mauritius

Des pratiques très douteuses et des transactions louches ont eu lieu. C’est ce que révèle le rapport ultra-confidentiel d’Insight Forensics Ltd, livré en février dernier, dont Le Défi Quotidien a pu se procurer une copie.

27 Jun 2011,

Strategic storage: a budget of Rs 2 billion

The State Trading Corporation (STC) is embarking on a major project of strategic storage of petroleum products at a cost of two billion rupees. Three additional tanks and pipelines will be built over a period of two years in the port area, Port-Louis

27 Jun 2011,