App Mauritius

Sécurité routière : une application qui signale les contrôles de police

Une application locale signale les embouteillages, mais aussi les contrôles de police. Elle a pour objectif de faciliter la vie des usagers de la route, mais peut aider des chauffeurs à éviter la police.

05 Jul 2017,

Facebook’s Messenger games are now available to everyone

Facebook announced today that its new Messenger game-playing features are now available to the entire 1.2 billion people who use the app every month. Instant Games, as the platform is called, first launched in closed beta last November with arcade titles like Pac-Man and Galaga.

03 May 2017,

Facebook addresses revenge porn with tech to prevent people from re-sharing intimate images

Facebook has implemented a new photo-matching technology to ensure people can’t re-share images previously reported and tagged as revenge porn — intimate photos of people shared without their consent.

06 Apr 2017,

Facebook launches Stories in the main Facebook app

Facebook’s plan to copy everything that made Snapchat successful is finally reaching its final form with the launch of stories in the main Facebook app. You can now share stories with your Facebook friends and see what your friends have been up to for the past 24 hours.

28 Mar 2017,

Narendra Modi goes viral on app stores

You don’t have to step out of the house to see the panic among Indians in the aftermath of country’s big demonetization push. Just go to your smartphone’s app store.

23 Nov 2016,

Google Search Now Has Travel Guides to Help Plan Your Vacation

Google is trying to make planning vacations less of a hassle. To do that, it's launching a new feature today called Destinations on Google that's meant to help you figure out where to go, when to go, and what to do there; it'll also help you get cheap flights and hotels.

09 Mar 2016,

Top 10 Apps Banned in the Office

Increasingly, business owners are putting the kibosh on certain applications at work. Here are the apps they blacklist most often--and why.

12 Jun 2013,