Investing Mauritius

Argent: Les Cinq Modes d’Epargne Privilégiés Par Les Mauriciens

Nos compatriotes disposent désormais d’un plus large choix quant à la manière de placer leurs économies. Quelles sont les options disponibles ? Quels en sont les avantages ? Zoom sur les cinq modes d’épargne qui attirent le plus.

08 Apr 2016,

Make Your Team More Collaborative: Just Move the Furniture

A new study reveals that your kindergarten teacher knew what she was doing when she sat you in a circle.

17 Jul 2013,

9 Things You Need To Know For Startup Investing

Startup investments can be rewarding both financially and personally. By investing in a startup you are contributing to job creation and capital formation.

19 Mar 2013,

Three Investment Options: How To Make Money Grow in 2013

You have savings? You want to invest a portion of the salary increase that you will end January with the payment of the PRB? But how to best monetize your investment? Three experts deliver their advice.

20 Jan 2013,

Investing In Africa: The Bridge Bypassed?

When the global economy was shaken by the debt crisis in Europe and the United States, investors develop a keen interest in Africa, a continent considered the new Eldorado for business. Mauritius is positioning itself as a bridge to Africa, but the traffic is expected.

30 Aug 2012,

New invest scheme for hotels - Invest-Hotel Scheme

The BOI has approved four projects

31 Mar 2011,