Penalty points Mauritius

Road safety: Roche Bois in Top of Places of Speed Cameras Flashes

Since the entry into force of penalty points on May 10, a little less than 9000 motorists were flashed by the 16 speed cameras installed in the country, especially on the main roads.

01 Aug 2013,

Anil Bachoo: "No Intention to Review the System of Penalty Points"

The Minister of Public Infrastructure and Transport is adamant the penalty point system is already in force and the government has "no intention" to review the system. This is what he said to Steven Obeegadoo Tuesday.

26 Jun 2013,

Penalty Points, Ben Buntipilly: "Offenders Will Pay Dearly for their Irresponsibility"

The behavior of some drivers at the wheel has not really changed lean introduction of penalty points.

21 Jun 2013,

Penalty Points, One Month After Entry into Force: Mixed Record

It's now a month since the penalty points system came into force in Mauritius. If the authorities find that the initiative is a success across the board, not everyone shares this view. They emphasize, in particular, the absence of a holistic road safety policy.

19 Jun 2013,

Using ‘fast lane’: Understanding How Not to Lose Points

Many motorists are raised to have sentenced to penalty points on their license for using the ‘fast lane’, once called the 'fast lane'. They plead ignorance. However, the law of 2002. Since the introduction of penalty points, the challenges multiply. Confusion or refusal to follow instructions?

13 Jun 2013,

Penalty Points: Month Results

One month after the entry into force of penalty points, police prepared 1600 tickets. Thus, 732 drivers have been fined and points for various traffic offenses.

12 Jun 2013,

Penalty Points: 732 Motorists Penalized During One Month

It's been a month, Monday, June 10, since the system of penalty points entered into force in Mauritius. Since its introduction, 1,600 tickets were drawn. And 732 drivers have copped fines and points for various traffic offenses.

12 Jun 2013,

Penalty Points: Great Fear

The introduction of penalty points has been debate on Radio Plus, Friday. They were many listeners to express their dissatisfaction with the new system. However, Friday morning, motorists showed greater caution and sense of responsibility on our roads.

23 May 2013,

Le Fait Du Jour: Zéro Pointé pour les “Speed Cameras”

Des consultations avec le State Law Office en vue d’annuler les contraventions aux conducteurs des véhicules flashés à partir du 10 mai

23 May 2013,

Sécurité Routière — Permis À Points: Une Première Semaine Mouvementée

Plus de 500 véhicules flashés pour excès de vitesse en sept jours

22 May 2013,

Rodrigues: Drivers Shun Penalty Points

" Si nou pran enn masin ek li pa en bon eta, se nou sofer ki pou gagn problem avek nou lisens. Mo trouv sa pa normal»"says the driver of the Regional Assembly. From its part, police not agree." Every driver should check his vehicle before hitting the road. And if it finds that the vehicle is not in good standing, it is his duty to refuse to drive. It is his responsibility . "

20 May 2013,

Penalty Points: 90 Tickets Issued in Two Days

Just 48 hours after the entry into force of penalty points, 90 violations sanctioned by the new system were drawn against motorists across the country. Motorists were mainly fined for speeding, reckless driving or for passing on to the white line.

16 May 2013,

Ben Bentipilly: "The Number of Offenses Under Penalty Points May Increase in Future"

The system of penalty points, which came into force this Friday, May 10, may experience changes in the future. A greater number of offenses may be punished by this system.

16 May 2013,

Sécurité Routière : Permis à Points, Entre Incohérence et Doute

Le permis à points est à son cinquième jour. Le constat : des automobilistes « plus disciplinés » mais confus, exprimant certaines interrogations quant à la qualité des infrastructures routières et la grogne concernant l’activité de la firme privée ProGuard. Par ailleurs, un premier cas allégué de corruption a été recensé.

15 May 2013,

Permis à Points – First case of corruption on the launching day itself.

Not surprised at all. I expected this one as mentionned in my post published only 4 days back. A police officer asked a driver an amount of Rs6000 following a speed check.

14 May 2013, Yashvin, pages of my life

Speed Cameras : Les 30 Premiers Flashes

Permis à points : “Discipline notable des automobilistes pour les premiers jours ”, laissent entendre les responsables

13 May 2013,

The Penalty Points in Seven Lessons (Video)

What will change with the introduction of penalty points? How will it be applied? Risk that the driver after how many offenses? offers seven instructional videos, made with the inspector Mohit Ramah.

11 May 2013,

Road Traffic Act : Le Permis à Points en Vigueur depuis Vendredi

Le permis à points est en vigueur depuis ce matin. Selon l’inspecteur Ramah de la Traffic Branch, il faudra attendre demain pour avoir les premiers chiffres en vue d’analyser son impact sur les automobilistes. « Selman, nou finn konstate ki bann kondikter pe paret bon zenfan… », a-t-il déclaré.

11 May 2013,

Le jour J – N’oubliez pas votre DLC!

Le grand jour est enfin arrivé! Maintenant, parlons-en de la probable hausse des cas réglés via le "Constat à l'amiable", les "hit and run" et la corruption...

09 May 2013, Yashvin, pages of my life

Permis A Points — Entrée En Vigueur Vendredi: Concession pour les Taxis Marrons

Modification majeure : l’infraction (6-8 points) « using a motor vehicle, bus, contract bus […] without a public service vehicle licence » est rayée

09 May 2013,