Psychology Mauritius

The Upside of Quitting (and Why You Should Do It More Often)

There's bound to be something going on in your life right now that's worth quitting, and the commonly recited maxim that "quitters never win and winners never quit" notwithstanding, sometimes quitting really is the best option.

24 Dec 2012,

Our Brains Weren’t Hardwired To Catch Con Artists

Why we fall victims to scams and bad sales tricks

24 Dec 2012,

You'll Make It When You Fake It

How to improve moods and develop a happier disposition with a put-on smile

20 Dec 2012,

People Who Spend Freely Do Not Spend Wisely

In today’s uncertain economic climate, many people are becoming more aware of their spending habits. People who spent freely and pay little attention to personal debt before the recession are now paying more attention to how they feel when they make decisions that affect their finances.

19 Dec 2012,

8 Signs You're a Control Freak

You might not know it, but your controlling behaviors are making your employees batty. Here are a few ways to ease up already.

19 Dec 2012,

What Lying Actually Does to Your Brain and Body Every Day

Each day, we make the same choice hundreds of times: whether to lie or tell the truth. It often happens without thinking, and we ignore the profound impact of these seemingly inconsequential decisions.

18 Dec 2012,

News: Narcissistic Employee of the Month

Small studies have found a correlation between some pathological personality traits and success at work. Now, a study of 5,000 British workers shows that certain traits usually classified as dysfunctional actually predict employee accomplishment in certain roles. Here, a look at symptoms that can be leveraged for success.

18 Dec 2012,

50 Ways to Overcome Shyness and Anxiety at Social Gatherings

Social anxieties and shyness can tone the quality of your life. Here are some cognitive and behavioral coping tools to break free from social torments.

17 Dec 2012,

If You Want to be “Right,” Be Willing to Change Your Mind a Lot

Nobody ever wants to hold onto the "wrong" point of view for an extended period of time. But, speaking with 37 Signals, Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos points out that the only way you can be "right" most of the time is if you're willing to change your mind a lot.

17 Dec 2012,

Are All Leaders Narcissists?

Some leaders are clearly narcissists. Is narcissism good, bad, or neutral?

14 Dec 2012,

10 Worst Body Language Mistakes

10 Worst Body Language Mistakes

13 Dec 2012,

5 Ways To Make a Killer First Impression

Most people will judge you within the first second of meeting you and their opinion will most likely never change. Making a good first impression is incredibly important, because you only get one shot at it.

13 Dec 2012,

How to React When Someone Says You’re Wrong (but You Know You’re Right)

We've all been in the circumstance where we're having a conversation (or argument) with someone and they're convinced you're wrong about something, even though you know you're right.

13 Dec 2012,

The Truth About Lies: 4 Key Tips for Unmasking Liar

In the ‘90s, psychologist Paul Ekman leapt to fame with his theory of "microexpressions"-the idea that when we lie brief, subconscious flashes of emotion register on our face to reveal our true feelings.

12 Dec 2012,

How to Motivate People to Do Things They Don’t Want to Do

A reader recently asked me a pointed question: "I've read your work on creating user habits. It's all well and good for getting people to do things, like using an app on their iPhone, but I've got a bigger problem.

12 Dec 2012,

Pace & Productivity: Higher Isn't Always Better

What's your personal workday pace? Maybe it's slow and steady or blazingly fast. For you, it's normal. Perhaps the bigger question is: what's normal for your team? Especially if you are a manager, it's critical to recognize that everyone in your office isn't working at exactly the same speed.

11 Dec 2012,

13 Options to Improve Your Work Relationships

We might like to think that if we just do a good job, and have technical proficiency in our field of expertise, it is enough to be recognized and rewarded. Unfortunately, many of us have learned that knowing how to communicate well – with bosses, coworkers, clients, and customers – is the real key to success.

09 Dec 2012,

Why Too Much Data Disables Your Decision Making

Quick, think back to a major decision. You know, the kind that compelled you to read everything on a topic and lead you to spend hours devouring every last scrap of data.

09 Dec 2012,

Change Your Ways? 3 Things You Must Do First

Even for the most seasoned leader, change is possible. Just sit down and have a frank conversation with yourself. Here's how to start.

08 Dec 2012,

Why Do We All Have to Be Leaders?

All across the country, high school seniors are working feverishly to complete college and scholarship applications. Prospective students share their high school academic records, write essays, and list their leadership experiences.

06 Dec 2012,