Resume Mauritius

Comment réaliser son CV

Pour certaines personnes, avoir à faire son CV est compliqué. Quoi écrire ? Ou encore, comment le faire bien ? Voici donc quelques informations qui vous aideront à réaliser votre CV.

21 Jul 2017,

43 Resume Tips That Will Help Get You Hired

When you haven’t updated your resume in a while, it can be hard to know where to start. What experiences and accomplishments should you include for the jobs you’ve got your eye on? What new resume rules and trends should you be following? And seriously, one page or two?

06 Aug 2014,

7 Cover Letter Mistakes That Make Hiring Managers Cringe

Cover letters don’t get a lot of love. And considering how tough it is to write a good one, it’s kind of understandable that people tend to throw them together at the last minute (or update one they wrote last month), attach it to their resume, and call it good.

30 Jul 2014,

7 Things to Remove From Your Resume ASAP

We all talk a fair game about what needs to be on your resume, but there’s also plenty of stuff that should be removed. The fluff. The blabber. The full-on oddities. And even some of the details you think are important.

07 Apr 2014,

10 Creative Social Media Resumes To Learn From

Like flowers in early spring, new social media job openings are sprouting across industries as companies of all sizes look to create or expand their social squads.

26 Jul 2013,

How to Generate More Interviews with Your Resume

It's a situation pretty much everyone finds themselves in at some point during their careers: sending your resume out to scores of recruiters and/or hiring agents...and not hearing anything back. Before you consider giving up on your ideal job, here are three powerful tweaks you can execute that will immediately increase the amount of attention your resume receives.

22 May 2013,

Job Seekers: Focus on Achievements

The whole point of résumés and cover letters is to sell your skills. Rather than simply listing the responsibilities in the positions you’ve held (as many candidates do), call out specific ways you’ve made a difference in those roles.

16 May 2013,

3 Common Redflags on Resumes

What are the biggest resume redflags? Whether you're applying or hiring, avoid these three things.

29 Mar 2013,

A Lie-Detector Test for Resumes

The furor over new Yahoo CEO Scott Thompson's inaccurate resume is shining a spotlight on inadequate employee vetting. Thompson, the third Yahoo CEO in the past year, claimed to have a computer science degree, which he doesn't, along with his actual degree in accounting.

14 Feb 2013,

5 Surprising Mistakes Job Seekers Make

Looking for a job isn’t easy. And as a job seeker, you’ll do just about anything to stand out from the crowd. Of course you will—you want the job. I remember being there, too.

06 Jan 2013,