Transport Mauritius

Rose-Hill Transport: Wi-Fi on buses

Passengers in Rose-Hill Transport can surf the Internet for free during their journeys.

13 Sep 2011,

Front commun syndicats transport: l’absence de sécurité dans les gares déplorée

L’incident qui a eu lieu récemment à la gare routière du Nord interpelle de nombreux Mauriciens, dont Yousouf Chotoye, président du Front commun syndicats transport.

30 Aug 2011,

Unions, Minister discuss safety of bus employees

The Front Commun Syndicat du Transport (FCST) and the Transport Corporate Employees Union, ,held a meeting with the minister of Labour, Industrial Relations and Employment, Shakeel Mohamed on Tuesday to discuss the situation in this sector.

18 Aug 2011,

Trade unionists are turning to the Minister Mohamed after "indifference" of Bachoo

Members of the coalition of transport unions strongly deplore what they call "indifference" of the minister of industry, Anil Bachoo. They are now looking to Shakeel Mohamed, Minister of Labour to express their grievances.

27 Jul 2011,

Transport unions: demonstration planned against the penalty points

Wind of revolt against the penalty points from drivers breath transit and other professional drivers. They decided to unite to show their displeasure.

20 Jul 2011,

Dix offres pour privatiser les centres de fitness

Les procédures pour la privatisation des centres de ‘fitness’ de la National Transport Authority avancent.

20 Jul 2011,

NTC Trade Union hits at illegal transport

In a press meet held at the Centre Social Marie Reine de la Paix in Port Louis, the secretary of the National Transport Corporation Employees Union (NTCEU), Kishore Bholah said that since the appointment of the new director general, the company has started on a new and fresh note.

12 Jul 2011,

UBS suspended a driver for refusing to take the wheel

A driver of the United Bus Service (UBS) cries for injustice.

07 Jul 2011,

Cockroach and dilapidated seats in a bus of the NTC

A cockroach walks from passengers, torn cushions, seats dilapidated ...

25 Jun 2011,

Failures and other mechanical problems - the NTC breaks all records

He describes the buses of the National Transport Company (NTC) of flying coffin. It does not go a day without a bus from falling down.Sadish Kokil-Kisto, a user of that company, has compiled a list.

22 Jun 2011,

Public transportation: The people of Chamarel threaten to deprive access to tourists

A minibus from the National Transport Company with a capacity of 40 passengers began serving on the line Chamarel-Black River from June 18 The anger of the people still remains high and tourists may pay the price.

21 Jun 2011,

Truckers threaten to paralyze trade

All trucks, buses and commercials will necessarily have a speed limiter from 1 July. But right now, this equipment is not available on the market. Moreover, a speed limiter costs between Rs 20,000 and Rs 25,000.

08 Jun 2011,

Neither privatization nor sacking the NTC

News in brief

02 Jun 2011,

Transit - A recipient's obligation to pay despite his 'bus pass'

Traumatised by a receiver bus Dakrishna M., a student from a state college was forced to pay his ticket to ride, so that he had his "bus pass". Her classmates, for lack of money, they were forced to exit at the next stop ...

31 May 2011,

NTC: privatization is the only solution

Really, nothing goes in the National Transport Company (NTC). Given the debts it has accumulated in recent years, the state plans to privatize it to make it more profitable. A chart prepared by the NTC is examined by the Ministry of Public Infrastructure and domestic transport.

25 May 2011,

Rs4bn bill for free transport

The free transport scheme for students and pensioners has a cost – the government having disbursed nearly Rs4 billion to bus companies and individual operators since the introduction of the scheme in 2005.

21 May 2011,

FMI : “Des solutions pour réformer la fiscalité verte à Maurice”

La politique de développement durable en matière de fiscalité écologique fait figure de proue, affirment les spécialistes de la Banque mondiale et du Fonds monétaire international (FMI). Dans le rapport 2011 Article IV, l’institution de Bretton Woods a proposé des réformes nécessaires, pour réduire les émissions de gaz carbonique et désengorger la circulation routière en direction de la capitale.

17 May 2011,

No extension of the age of buses on roads

The government does not accede to the request of individual bus operators to extend the permitted age of buses on our roads.

09 May 2011,

Deputy Adil Ameer Meea interested in free transport system

MMM deputy, Adil Ameer Meea, will challenge the Minister of Public Infrastructure on the free transport service available to students, the elderly and disabled. He wants to know the exact amounts that were paid to each owner of buses from 2005 to date.

05 May 2011,

Degreasing considered a thousand employees in the NTC

Given its critical financial situation, the National Transport Corporation (NTC) has decided to lay off a thousand employees to streamline its spending and reduce its deficit. With degreasing projected involving a thousand employees, could reduce its wage bill weighs Rs 40 M. The deficit amounted to Rs 66 M.

27 Apr 2011,