Beau Bassin Mauritius

Infrastructure Nationale, La Ligne Verte: Voie dédiée aux deux-roues

Ils suscitent la curiosité des automobilistes entre autres usagers de la route.

01 Feb 2024,

Beau-Bassin : Une BMW désossée dans la cour du propriétaire

Alerté par un voisin sur des activités suspectes qui se dérouleraient dans la cour d’une maison à Beau-Bassin, le propriétaire a appelé le poste de police de la localité pour solliciter de l’aide.

29 Jan 2024,

Projet de pistes cyclables à Beau-Bassin/Rose-Hill : parsemé de vert… et de zones d’ombre

Le projet d’aménagement de pistes cyclables longeant les rues de Beau-Bassin/Rose-Hill suscite l’incompréhension, au point d’être qualifié de « risible » par les habitants.

28 Dec 2023,

Roads in bad state: Inhabitants of Beau Bassin and Rose Hill “fed up”

The inhabitants of Beau Bassin and Rose Hill are angry and fed up.

13 Nov 2018,

Metro Express: encore un rond-point en moins à Beau-Bassin

Des feux de signalisation seront installés au rond-point de Beau-Bassin.

25 May 2018,

Nurses press for salary increase

Sunilduth Lochun, president of the Challenger Group and one of the contenders for the post of president of the Nursing Association, is calling for a 30 per cent salary increase for all employees in the nursing sector. The election for the president will be held on April 14 at the Nursing Centre in Beau Bassin. [...]

12 Apr 2011, The Independent Daily

Couple found dead at Cité Barkly, Beau Bassin

Drama at Cité Barkly, Beau Bassin. A couple was found dead in their home this morning. The police visited the scene around 11 pm when they received an anonymous phone call. Once there, the police found the lifeless body of a woman in her bed. Then they found the corpse of a man who committed

17 Mar 2011, MauritiusHot

Prisons van fleet reinforced

A dozen new vehicles have been added to the fleet of the Department of Prisons since December, 2010 at a cost of about Rs 13 million. A symbolic key handing over ceremony is scheduled for Wednesday at the compound of the Central Prison in Beau Bassin.

14 Feb 2011, The Independent Daily

Suspect dies in custody

Jean Pierre Laurent, 35, was found dead in his cell at the Beau Bassin prison on January 29.

31 Jan 2011, The Independent Daily