Email Mauritius

Please update the internet! Government switched to

It is all over the local media and social networks. I even heard some people complaining in the lift early this morning lol. The Mauritian government has abruptly moved from the domain to

06 Nov 2014, Yashvin, pages of my life

4 Terrible Email Sales Tactics

There are a few sales tactics that get me annoyed time and time again. Consider what you could change to better resonate with your prospects.

19 Oct 2013,

7 Tips for Emailing Extraordinarily Busy People

Here's how to break through the noise and get busy people to take action when you email them.

10 Sep 2013,

Emails That Land Jobs: The Best Way to Shine in a Follow-Up Note

That’s how many emails most “working professionals” send and receive every day.

18 Jul 2013,