Port Mauritius

Trafic Dans le Port: le Réseau Décortiqué

Les vols perpétrés dans le port font bien des remous.

07 Apr 2014, business.mega.mu

Négligence de la CHCL : Une Pelleteuse S’écrabouille sur le Pont d’Un Navire

La scène n’est pas banale. Une pelleteuse est venue s’écraser sur le pont du navire Adelina, mercredi, après une chute d’une dizaine de mètres. Le navire panaméen mouillait alors à Port-Louis où il est toujours.

04 Apr 2014, business.mega.mu

Trafic Dans le Port: le Patron du Domaine Anna Arête

La valse des restaurateurs a débuté à la Criminal Investigation Division (CID) du Port. Après l’arrestation, mardi, des frères Indiren et Galen Parsuramen de la société Bella Amigo dans le cadre de l’enquête sur les vols de fruits de mer et de viande dans des conteneurs réfrigérés dans la zone de transbordement de Port-Louis, leur confrère Hang Fong On, plus connu comme Ah-Hang, le patron du Domaine Anna, à Flic-en-Flac, a été appréhendé hier, mercredi 2 avril.

03 Apr 2014, business.mega.mu

Extension du Terminal des Conteneurs Dans le Port : Cinq Soumissionnaires, Cinq Soucis Particuliers Pour le Choix Final

Jeudi prochain, le Central Procurement Board (CPB) devrait se réunir pour prendre une décision concernant le contrat pour les travaux d’extension du terminal des conteneurs dans la zone portuaire.

27 Mar 2014, business.mega.mu

Pillage de Conteneurs: un Réseau Bien Rôdé Qui a Volé Bien Plus de Rs 10 Millions

Cela fait au moins cinq mois qu’ils passent leurs nuits à trafiquer les scellés de ces conteneurs dans le port, emportant des produits tels que homards, poissons, viande d’agneau, de bœuf, de porc et de poulet.

27 Mar 2014, business.mega.mu

Port: Goods Stolen in the Amount of Rs 10 Million

Police are investigating a theft ring involving vigils "Proguard" and customs of the port. They are suspected of having served in containers awaiting transhipment terminal of the Cargo Handling Corporation Ltd (CHC).

26 Mar 2014, business.mega.mu

Port Louis: New Cruise Terminal at a Cost of Rs 150 Million

Finished canopies erected imposing berthing ships at Port Louis. The current Christian Decotter Cruise Terminal to Salines change looks by the end of 2016. It will give way to a new ferry terminal which cost is estimated at Rs 150 million. The terms of reference are in preparation for the Mauritius Ports Authority (MPA), before launching the tender for a consultant.

18 Mar 2014, business.mega.mu

CHC: Rs 600 Million for Two New Cranes

The Cargo Handling Corporation Ltd (CHC) will change in the near future. Two new cranes will be purchased by the end of this year or early next year at a cost of Rs 600 million. This investment will enable the extension of the wharf, the CHC positioning itself as a reference in the region.

13 Mar 2014, business.mega.mu

8,000 Containers in the Port

The Mauritius Container Terminal (MCT) accommodates vessels containing 8,000 containers at the dock. Dredging are underway to make this project materializes in the near future. The work carried out by the Mauritius Ports Authority (MPA), will end by December 2016.

19 Dec 2013, business.mega.mu

A Snake Get Lost in the Port?

There's panic in the harbor! Handlers of the Cargo Handling Corporation (CHC) are worried because a persistent rumor on the docks.

14 Nov 2013, business.mega.mu

Transform the Port into a Regional Force

The port's ambitions without complex become a major player in the region. A legitimate aspiration especially as it provides the means to achieve them. But if it is on track to achieve its objective, the port sector has yet to modernize. Here are some ideas.

01 Nov 2013, business.mega.mu

Cargo Handling Corporation: Under 100,000 Containers in 2013

Port-Louis Harbour & Docks Workers' Union (PLHDWU) speaks of alarming situation in the harbor. According to its president, Rama Valaydon, he argues that the Cargo Handling Corporation Limited (CHC) showed a decrease of 100 000 containers at the transfer.

28 Oct 2013, business.mega.mu

Expansion Port: Fishermen Are Resisting!

The work initiated by the Mauritius Ports Authority (MPA) off last week.

04 Oct 2013, business.mega.mu

Port Supply Center

Rs 250 M. This is the amount collected by the State Trading Corporation (STC) from the sale of fuel to ships in 2012.

01 Oct 2013, business.mega.mu

Port: New Projects of Rs 7.3 Billion

The Mauritius Ports Authority (MPA) sees big. By 2018, the port plans to invest Rs 7.3 billion in the computerization of its services, infrastructure improvements and expansion of the port area.

08 Aug 2013, business.mega.mu

Port Louis Exports Gas to the Countries of the Indian Ocean

Three giant tanks for the storage of liquefied petroleum gas, for export, have arrived in the Red Sea. Made in Italy, these metal behemoths has a storage capacity of 50,000 tons of gas. The gas supply to these vessels will be done through a pipeline linking the dock.

29 Jul 2013, business.mega.mu

Crew in Distress: Tanker Locked in Port for a Month

A board Godshand is in despair. It's been about a month since 14 sailors and the captain are stuck on with oil on one side, a view of Port Louis, which is located about one nautical mile of the ship and on the other the sea.

24 Jul 2013, business.mega.mu

Port: Employees Accept 20% Wage Increase

Trade unionists in the harbour are satisfied. And employees are equally important. Once is not custom: an offer of 20% salary increase proposed by the CHC was accepted unanimously.

19 Jul 2013, business.mega.mu

Port: Dispute Almost Resolved

The five points reported by port unions to the Commission for Conciliation and Mediation (CCM) are almost settled dispute.

09 Jul 2013, business.mega.mu

Port: Seven Tons of Heavy Oil Recovered

Spill avoided. Seven tons of heavy oil spilled into the harbor of Port Louis when unloading tanker Red Eagle, could be pumped Thursday at mid-day at Quai D, through the Oil Spill Contingency Plan of the Mauritius Ports Authority (MPA).

05 Jul 2013, business.mega.mu