Study Mauritius

Sondage Sur l’Immobilier : À Floréal, Le Terrain Vaut 71% Plus Cher Après 7 Ans

Comment les prix des terrains ont-ils évolué ? Que recherchent aujourd’hui les Mauriciens en quête d'un logement ? Quels sont les facteurs qui sont susceptibles d’affecter le secteur de l’immobilier ?

16 Aug 2017,

Étude de DCDM: 8 Mauriciens sur 10 prendraient le métro si…

Les conclusions ont été rendues publiques durant le week-end. Sur un échantillon de 400 Mauriciens interrogés, 331 ont indiqué qu’ils voyageraient en métro, soit environ 8 Mauriciens sur 10.

01 Aug 2017,

Étude : PWC India identifie les failles dans le secteur du transport

Les consultants de PricewaterhouseCoopers India ont remis leurs premières observations au gouvernement mauricien.

30 Dec 2016,

Sondage : La création d’emplois est la première préoccupation des mauriciens

Le sondage de l’entreprise américaine Gallup sur les défis majeurs en Afrique pour les 12 mois à venir démontre que la création d’emplois est la préoccupation première des Mauriciens. Sur le continent, c’est la santé qui demeure la priorité des priorités.

28 Sep 2016,

Baromètre économique de PluriConseil : Mauvaise Humeur Face au Manque de Leadership Economique

Incohérences ministérielles, discrédit des régulateurs, agitation judiciaire, tension sociale et leadership médiocre noircissent l’humeur des opérateurs, constatent les analystes.

21 Aug 2015,

Exercising but Gaining Weight

Exercise has innumerable health benefits, but losing weight may not be among them. A provocative new study shows that a substantial number of people who take up an exercise regimen wind up heavier afterward than they were at the start, with the weight gain due mostly to extra fat, not muscle.

17 Nov 2014,

Sondage d’Opinion sur l’Evolution de la Société Mauricienne

Il nous est apparu intéressant, à dix ans d’intervalle, de sonder à nouveau le public mauricien et de prendre son pouls sur un certain nombre de grandes questions.

17 Dec 2013,

Sleep-Starved Workers Struggle to Juggle Family and Work Commitments, Shows Regus study

Over a third of East African workers (34%) report that they have to sacrifice sleep to fit in personal and work commitments, either by waking up too early or by burning the midnight oil.

12 Aug 2013,

10 Ways Meetings Are Dumbing Us Down

Meetings make us stupid.

08 Aug 2013,

Alleged Scam Foreign Students: Controversy Swells

Shweta Sharma, 33, director Dimensions International Education Group (DIEG), complained to the police station Pamplemousses Sunday.

06 Aug 2013,

A Messy Desk Can Influence Perceptions of Your Professionalism

We're all about getting rid of office clutter here —usually for the sake of our own sanities—but it turns out you may have a bit more motivation than that to stay tidy.

30 Jul 2013,

Worrying Situation for Our Graduates

The student population in our institutions is growing fast. In one year, the enrollment rate increased from 44 334 to 45 969. The programs offered by different institutions have also experienced a substantial boom. The latest figures show that the TEC for the year 2012, 772 programs were offered against 660 in 2011. However, a report of the TEC states that despite this growth, graduates come up against enormous difficulties.

30 Jul 2013,

UoM Study of 24/7: Reasons for Failure Programmed

This should be the beginning of a practice in commercial and social, an opportunity for recreation and culture for Mauritians and tourists.

24 Jul 2013,

Novelty and the Brain: Why New Things Make Us Feel So Good

We all like shiny new things, whether it's a new gadget, new city, or new job. In fact, our brains are made to be attracted to novelty—and it turns out that it could actually improve our memory and learning capacity. The team at social sharing app Buffer explains how.

14 Jul 2013,

How Your Brain Perceives Time (and How to Use It to Your Advantage)

We might not be able to create more time when we need it most—like when a deadline is approaching—but we can use the understanding of how we perceive time to our advantage.

11 Jul 2013,

Economic Obstacles Fail to Deter Unstoppable Entrepreneurs

Vital for economic growth but facing serious challenges, East African small and micro businesses are displaying unwavering entrepreneurial spirit, according to new research commissioned by Regus.

18 Jun 2013,

East African Women in the Workforce is Vital to Sustaining and Driving Growth

Regus, worlds largest provider of flexible workspace, has recently done a business survey which shows that the participation of women in the workforce is key to increasing and sustaining GDP growth, managing an existing skills gap and reducing world poverty.

04 Apr 2013,

Mauritian Export Firms: 85% consider Africa as the Most Profitable Destination

85% of Mauritian enterprises, export-oriented, argue that Africa is the most profitable destination, while only 18% of companies worldwide have the same opinion.

16 Feb 2013,

France is Tops for Tourists, Germans Spend the Most...

Some 705 million international tourist arrivals were recorded over the first eight months of 2012, leading to the prediction of hitting the one billion tourists benchmark for the first time ever by the end of the year.

17 Nov 2012,