Caudan Mauritius
«Concurrence déloyale» décriée : se sentant lésés, des taximen du Caudan saisissent la justice
Des chauffeurs de taxi basés au Caudan Waterfront se disent pénalisés depuis qu’une firme met gratuitement des autobus à la disposition des visiteurs débarquant des paquebots. Ils parlent de « concurrence déloyale ».
19 Jan 2017,
Metro Express: la région du Caudan transformée
C’est à proximité du Caudan que sera construite la gare principale du Metro Express. Les compagnies qui s’y trouvent devraient céder une partie des terrains pour ce projet.
10 Jan 2017,
Centres Commerciaux : les Préparatifs de la Noël s’Activent
Le thème de décoration et les activités de décembre n’ayant pas encore été finalisés, et pour réserver la surprise aux visiteurs, le calendrier d’activités n’a pas été dévoilé
18 Nov 2013,
Caudan et ses parapluies
Malgré l'air très coloré qu'affichent les photos qui défilent sur Facebook en ce moment, moi, je les vois sous tout un autre angle. On se croirait presque en Agueda dans le Portugal mais sauf que le Caudan a fait installé ces parapluies pour une toute autre raison.
22 Oct 2013, Yashvin, pages of my life
Pay on Foot Parking at Caudan
Le Caudan Waterfront move to a new system of parking management, Pay on Foot, from 1 October. This change affects the parks open, including that of the Marina and the one that is attached to the wing Barkly Wharf. The parking area Dias Pier already operates on the model of Pay on Foot.
29 Sep 2013,
Crisis Forces: Le Caudan Puts Phase 3 Pilot
Circumstances do not exist to invest heavily in the third phase of the Caudan Waterfront. His leadership has decided to put the project on hold, waiting for better times.
28 Feb 2013,
Launching Children Sailing School in Caudan Basin
The idea comes from a browser internationally renowned Hervé Laurent. Participation is free. The school will be open on Saturdays and during school holidays.
20 Aug 2012,
5 Tours de 24 à 42 Etages au Caudan Waterfront
La construction de cinq tours de luxe au Caudan Waterfront est envisagée. C’est le projet que caresse actuellement Uptown Development Co Ltd, une compagnie enregistrée à Maurice depuis janvier de cette année.
30 Jul 2012,
45 pictures from Independence Day Celebration (Champs de Mars)
Yesterday evening, I was in Champs de Mars for the official celebrations of the 44th anniversary of the independence and the 20th anniversary of the republic of Mauritius.
13 Mar 2012, Yashvin, pages of my life
EDS opens ICT lab at Caudan
The opening of EDS (Enterprise Data Services) ICT lab and launching of EDS-SONY workshop took place on Tuesday at the Dias Pier, Caudan Waterfront in the presence of Tassarajen Pillay Chedumbrum, minister of Information and Communication Technology. EDS was set up in 1999 and it was the first specialised networks and telecoms company in Mauritius. [...]
08 Dec 2011, The Independent Daily
Casino workers to get 14th month salary
The employees of the Casino of Mauritius will receive their 14th month pay by the end of February 2012. This was stated following the meeting between the members of the Casino Employee’s Union (CEU) and officers of the State Investment Cooperation, (SIC) on Tuesday. The reasons put forward by the officials of the SIC is [...]
15 Mar 2011, The Independent Daily
L’échangeur du Caudan prêt en août 2011
L’échangeur du Caudan, dont la construction a débuté à la fin de l’année dernière, commence à prendre forme et devrait être prêt au mois d’août prochain. C’est en tout cas... Read more »
06 Mar 2011, KotZot
Caudan interchange to be ready by October
The interchange that will replace the Caudan roundabout is taking shape. According to the Road Development Authority (RDA), it will be completed by October. Ongoing Work is causing some inconvenience and is even slowing down traffic. Those who wish to travel to Les Salines will have to take a deviation. The objective of building this [...]
03 Mar 2011, The Independent Daily
Une vue à faire vomir [Caudan]
Des photos prises aux abords de Caudan/Port Louis Waterfront par Asmi.
01 Mar 2011, Yashvin, pages of my life
Fujian Troupe ends mini tour on Spring Festival with show at Caudan
After performing at Pailles and Triolet on February 3 and 4 respectively, the Fujian Troupe from southeast China concluded its mini tour across the island with a show on the evening of February 5 at Caudan.
07 Feb 2011, The Independent Daily
Representatives of Malaysian univ in island
Malaysia Education Co Ltd, which works in collaboration with the Malaysian Ministry of Higher Education in Mauritius, will be organising two exhibitions in the coming days to advise students on the different study options available in the country.
03 Feb 2011, The Independent Daily