Chagos Mauritius

The Chagos in Question

According to Navin Ramgoolam, to claim the Chagos find no way calls into question the American military activities on Diego Garcia and he believes it is necessary tripartite consultations including the British, Americans and Mauritians to decide the Chagos future.

14 Jun 2012,

Chagos: No Progress Expected

Prime Minister Navin Ramgoolam met his British counterpart David Cameron, on Wednesday in London. The Chagos issue will be discussed.

06 Jun 2012,

Chagossian group could return to archipelago

According to the British daily The Telegraph, an action plan has been set up to enable a Chagossian group to return to their birth land. In this context, a conference will be held this week in United Kingdom and will include the UK Chagos Support Association under the chairmanship of Roch Evenor. It will also [...]

17 May 2011, The Independent Daily

Exiled Chagos islanders could return home under new plans

Conservationists and human rights campaigners are to discuss new proposals that may allow a group of exiled islanders to return to their tropical archipelago home after it was turned into... Read more »

15 May 2011, KotZot

Cuba to back claim on Chagos

Enrique Prieto Lopez, accredited ambassador of the Republic of Cuba with residence in Zimbabwe said that his country endorses Mauritius claim to sovereignty over Chagos. “The archipelago belongs to Mauritius and your country has the legitimate right to ask the UK not establish a marine protected area around the group of islands,” he said. In [...]

04 May 2011, The Independent Daily

Chagos : Lalit soumet trois propositions au GM

Dans le cadre de la constitution du tribunal d’arbitrage sur la Marine Protected Area des Chagos, annoncée officiellement vendredi par l’International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea (ITLOS) des... Read more »

30 Mar 2011, KotZot

Maldives: We back Chagos position

The Maldives has thrown its weight behind Mauritius in opposition to the UK’s decision to establish a Marine Protected Area (PMA) around the Chagos archipelago. The support is expressed in... Read more »

14 Mar 2011, KotZot

Chagos : soutien des Maldives à Maurice pour contester le projet de parc marin

La république des Maldives soutiendra Maurice dans son combat contre le projet des Britanniques de transformer les eaux territoriales de l’archipel des Chagos en un immense parc marin. C’est ce... Read more »

14 Mar 2011, KotZot

Ramgoolam to fight till end for Chagos islands

Prime Minister Dr Navin Ramgoolam, while speaking about the party's struggles also touched upon present issue. He pointed out that people have forgotten that Chagos was excised well before Mauritius gained independence.

19 Feb 2011, The Independent Daily

Conférence sur la Cour internationale de Justice – Le Premier ministre évoque le cas des Chagos

Navin Ramgoolam a parlé hier soir du dossier des Chagos dans une conférence privée de Ronny Abraham, juge français à la Cour internationale de justice (CIJ), en la résidence de... Read more »

16 Feb 2011, KotZot