Diego Garcia Mauritius

Return of the Chagos Archipelago: D-Day this Tuesday for Mauritius and the United Kingdom on the confirmation of the proposed agreement

The Mauritian government will then present the document to the Cabinet of Ministers within a prescribed timeframe for its approval.

04 Mar 2025, business.mega.mu

British House of Commons: Urgency of ratifying Chagos agreement

The agreement between Mauritius and Great Britain was debated in the British Parliament on Monday. Conservatives are demanding the approval of Donald Trump and Navin Ramgoolam before any signing.

06 Dec 2024, business.mega.mu

British government returns sovereignty of Chagos, including Diego Garcia, to Mauritius

Prime Minister Pravind Jugnauth had a conversation with his counterpart Sir Keir Starmer on Thursday 3 October.

03 Oct 2024, business.mega.mu

Indian Ocean – Realpolitik: The Chagos Deal compromised by the English hawks

The new Foreign Secretary, David Cameron, given as being Dead Against the return of Chagos under the control of Maurice Possible about-face from London after six rounds of negotiations with Port-Louis and the rent of the Diego-Garcia base estimated at Rs 120 billion, the equivalent of at least 25% of Padayachy's GDP

09 Dec 2023, business.mega.mu

Diego Garcia sur la liste des six lieux interdits aux touristes, selon The Telegraph

Le site web du groupe de presse britannique The Telegraph a, sur sa page Telegraph Travel, établi, le mardi 1er novembre, une liste de six lieux de par le monde qui sont interdits à la visite et au tourisme.

03 Nov 2016, business.mega.mu

Météo : Une Tempête Tropicale Modérée Au Sud De Diego Garcia

La dépression tropicale qui évoluait au sud de Diego Garcia s’est intensifiée en une tempête tropicale modérée dans la nuit du lundi 11 avril et a été baptisée Fantala par la station météorologique de Vacoas.

12 Apr 2016, business.mega.mu

Diego Garcia: Le Bail des Etats-Unis Prend Fin en 2036 ?

L’espoir s’amenuise-t-il pour les Chagossiens ? Le bail des Etats-Unis sur Diego Garcia prend fin en 2036, selon Linda Thomas-Greenfield, sous-secrétaire d’Etat américain pour l’Afrique.

14 Jan 2016, business.mega.mu

Diego Garcia: Washington Dément et Embarrasse Londres

L'ex-Chief of Staff au Département d'État US : « So you might have a case where you simply go in and use a facility at Diego Garcia for a month or two weeks or whatever and you do your nefarious activities there »

02 Feb 2015, business.mega.mu

Navy Base on the Line as Mauritius Tries to Pit U.S., U.K. in Island’s Sovereignty Bid

The island nation of Mauritius is trying to wedge itself between Washington and London in a diplomatic drive for control of a group of British-ruled islands — one of which has been leased to the U.S. military for nearly 50 years.

14 Apr 2014, business.mega.mu

Chagossians registration and passport renewal in Mauritius

The registration of Chagossians has begun and this exercise is being carried out after almost 10 years. President of Chagos Refugees Group (CRG) Oliver Bancoult highlighted the importance for Chagossians to register themselves during the general assembly to be held at the Lisette Talate Chagossian Community Centre . He explained that this registration exercise will [...]The post Chagossians registration and passport renewal in Mauritius appeared first on Mauritius News Ile Maurice.

16 Jul 2012, KotZot

Chagos : Navin Ramgoolam proposed tripartite meeting with US & UK

Navin Ramgoolam had to account for his discussions with his British counterpart, David Cameron on the Chagos issue once again in the National Assembly on Tuesday. Replying to a question of the MP Showkatally Soodhun who wanted to know whether the PM had been informed that there was no commitment to talks with Mauritius on [...]The post Chagos : Navin Ramgoolam proposed tripartite meeting with US & UK appeared first on Mauritius News Ile Maurice.

11 Jul 2012, KotZot

Chagos : « la Grande Bretagne humilie Navin Ramgoolam » – Paul Bérenger

Le leader de l’Opposition, Paul Bérenger, a estimé samedi que le gouvernement britannique a, par le biais d’une réponse à une question parlementaire, humilié le Premier ministre, Navin Ramgoolam, et à travers lui le pays. Le leader du MMM a fait état d’une réponse donnée par le ministre d’État au Foreign and Commonwealth Office, Lord [...]The post Chagos : « la Grande Bretagne humilie Navin Ramgoolam » – Paul Bérenger appeared first on Mauritius News Ile Maurice.

02 Jul 2012, KotZot

Exiled Chagos islanders could return home under new plans

Conservationists and human rights campaigners are to discuss new proposals that may allow a group of exiled islanders to return to their tropical archipelago home after it was turned into... Read more »

15 May 2011, KotZot

Chagos : Lalit soumet trois propositions au GM

Dans le cadre de la constitution du tribunal d’arbitrage sur la Marine Protected Area des Chagos, annoncée officiellement vendredi par l’International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea (ITLOS) des... Read more »

30 Mar 2011, KotZot

Maldives: We back Chagos position

The Maldives has thrown its weight behind Mauritius in opposition to the UK’s decision to establish a Marine Protected Area (PMA) around the Chagos archipelago. The support is expressed in... Read more »

14 Mar 2011, KotZot

Chagos : soutien des Maldives à Maurice pour contester le projet de parc marin

La république des Maldives soutiendra Maurice dans son combat contre le projet des Britanniques de transformer les eaux territoriales de l’archipel des Chagos en un immense parc marin. C’est ce... Read more »

14 Mar 2011, KotZot

The Mauritius miracle, or how to make a big success of a small economy

The US ought to learn a thing or two from Mauritius, where all citizens enjoy high standards of healthcare and education Suppose someone were to describe a small country that... Read more »

09 Mar 2011, KotZot

Conférence sur la Cour internationale de Justice – Le Premier ministre évoque le cas des Chagos

Navin Ramgoolam a parlé hier soir du dossier des Chagos dans une conférence privée de Ronny Abraham, juge français à la Cour internationale de justice (CIJ), en la résidence de... Read more »

16 Feb 2011, KotZot