EPZ Mauritius

Free Trade Zone: Shadow still Threatens Operation

Since the creation of the free trade zone in the 70s, a lot of things have changed. 9 factories employing some 600 people, there are now 300 companies which operate about 60,000 workers whose 15,000 are foreigners.

20 Jun 2013, business.mega.mu

Asia's Week: Bad Tidings For Export Processing Zones

Low-wage export manufacturing, often in designated zones, has seeded the early stages of industrialization in many Asian economies. But hazards to health and safety are legion, particularly when independent unions and outside monitors are weak.

29 Apr 2013, business.mega.mu

Manufacturing Workers: Are They Still Suffering?

In Export Processing Zones (EPZ) around the world, the majority of workers are said to be isolated, denied basic rights, and prohibited from joining unions, which is often in gross violation of national laws and customs.

15 Mar 2013, business.mega.mu

Manufacturing: Pillar in Decline?

In 2010, the Ministry of Industry released its Strategic Plan 2010-2013 Industrial. At the same time, the Board of Investment (BoI) has submitted its Action Plan 2010 on industrial development.

04 Apr 2012, business.mega.mu