Goodlands Mauritius

Goodlands: Rs 100 Million for a New Market

A five-star market, including a complex "multipurpose" . It will be built at a cost of Rs Goodlands 100 million on land juxtaposing the home of the current mess. Work is expected to begin early next year.

23 Dec 2013,

À Goodlands : Un Activiste Agresse un Flic

Un policier, affecté au poste de police de Goodlands, a passé un sale quart d’heure entre les mains d’un taximan, mardi vers 5 h 05. Le taximan, un dénommé Sunil S., âgé de 48 ans, se trouvait en face du poste de police de cette localité et il proférait des injures aux policiers.

22 Nov 2012,

New centre for artists opens at Goodlands

A training centre for artistes was inaugurated by Mookhesswur Choonee, minister of Arts and Culture and Lormus Bundhoo, minister of Health and Quality of Life on Tuesday at Goodlands. The new centre situated near the market will provide free courses to people in the locality. “The centre is open to all age groups and provides [...]

18 Jan 2012, The Independent Daily

Hindi Speaking Union announces activities

The Hindi Speaking Union announced its upcoming activities at a press conference held on April 22. Operating under the aegis of the Ministry of Arts and Culture, its main objective is the promotion of the Hindi language in all its forms and safeguarding Indian culture. Rajnarain Guttee, president of the union, said that they will [...]

25 Apr 2011, The Independent Daily

Legends employee arrested for theft case

The beleaguered Legends hotel in Grand Gaube is back in the limelight for all the wrong reasons. An employee of the hotel was arrested by the Grand Gaube police on Thursday in connection with two cases of theft in the premises. The valet, Reaz Garib Nayad, is expected to be produced in the District Court [...]

26 Mar 2011, The Independent Daily

Bangladeshi and Nepali workers protest about ‘inhumane’ conditions in which they are expected to live in Mauritius

140 FOREIGNERS STRIKE OVER ‘INHUMANE’ CONDITIONS The management of Santex Ltd, a textile factory in Goodlands, has agreed to negotiate with Bangladeshi and Nepaliworkers who refused to work yesterday because... Read more »

01 Mar 2011, KotZot

Outreach programme of ‘Caravane de la Science’

Following its success in 2010, the Caravane de la Science is back in several secondary schools across the island this year. The opening ceremony was held on Thursday at the MP Sharma Jugdambi SSS at Goodlands.

11 Feb 2011, The Independent Daily