Hindous Mauritius

Do the kids know what they are eating?

A few days back, we purchased a few sweets in an outlet near a primary school. One of them was Gelatine (Bovine-based). Are the kids aware?

08 Jun 2011, Yashvin, pages of my life

The spoilt child of Navin Ramgoolam

Self-proclaimed as the protector of the hindu community of the island, a group of people has been causing a lot of disturbance for years. Officially, they are for non-violence but in real life, they tend to do things differently, adopting the thugs-attitude.

26 Feb 2011, Yashvin, pages of my life

Kharmas : inauspicious period of the hindu calendar

In the indian culture, Kharmas is some kind of event (or whatever), during which hindus DO NOT start anything new in their life or make the first step during this same period.

12 Dec 2010, Yashvin, pages of my life