IPP Mauritius

Made Public: Details of IPP Contracts

Friday, the contracts that the Central Electricity Board has signed with seven Independent Power Producers (IPP) were released. Those FUEL Steam and Power Generation Co Ltd and Consolidated Energy Ltd, signed in 1996, are very easy to navigate.

17 Feb 2013, business.mega.mu

Contrats des IPP : La Commission sur l’Energie Rend Publics Tous les Accords

C’est fait ! Fidèle à sa parole, la National Energy Commission (NEC), a remis à la presse une copie de tous les Power Purchasing Agreements (PPA) liant le Central Electricity Board aux Independent Power Producers (IPP), ainsi qu’à CT Power.

16 Feb 2013, business.mega.mu

Radio Plus Reveals the Agreements Between the CEB and IPP F

Even before the publication of contracts between Independent Power Producers' (IPP) and the Central Electricity Board (CEB), Radio Plus already has a copy of the "Power Purchase Agreements".

15 Feb 2013, business.mega.mu