Infographics Mauritius

Picture of the Day: The Job Search, Then and Now

Ever wonder what the job search was like in the 1950s—or during the Stone Age? Check out this fun infographic for a look at the evolution of the job search—and how The Muse is changing it for the better!

04 Feb 2013,

Picture of the Day- Infographic: 10 Simple Product Ideas That Made Billions

01 Feb 2013,

Picture of the Day: Infographics - Liar, Liar? How to Know if Your Client is Telling the Truth

Ever think a client is saying one thing ("Sure, I think it's a good idea, but I'll need to run it by the team") but thinking another?

30 Jan 2013,

Picture of the Day: The Africa Business Language Map

25 Jan 2013,

Why Infographics Rule

Humans are visual creatures. Most of us process information based on what we see. 65 percent of us are visual learners, according to the Social Science Research Network.

22 Jan 2013,