Lady Sarojini Jugnauth Mauritius

Women’s centre receives Rs 3.3 million for renovation

The Lady Sarojini Jugnauth Women’s Home in Calebasses now boasts a newly renovated building with an organised store, new seating arrangements and newly built dormitories, which allow for greater privacy and space for the residents. The Rs 3.3 million that was spent on the renovations was contributed by well wishers and CSR funding. Lady Sarojini [...]

23 Dec 2011, The Independent Daily

Parents to blame for childhood delinquency

The Mauritius Council of Social Service (MACOSS) hosted a seminar on the ‘Rights of children: The responsibility of everyone’ at the Octave Wiehe Auditorium in Reduit on Monday. Lady Sarojini Jugnauth spoke of parents who do not carry out their responsibilities towards their children in earnest. She said, “From womb to tomb, the government takes [...]

15 Jun 2011, The Independent Daily