Lindsay Morvan Mauritius

PMSD: Lindsay Morvan demande à la MSPA de renouer le dialogue avec le JNP

Le Parti Mauricien Social Démocrate (PMSD), qui animait un point de presse hier matin à l'hôtel St Georges, a commenté le bras de fer qui oppose la Mauritius Sugar Producers' Association (MSPA) au Joint Negociating Pa...The post PMSD: Lindsay Morvan demande à la MSPA de renouer le dialogue avec le JNP appeared first on Mauritius News Ile Maurice.

12 Aug 2012, KotZot

PMSD condemns rise in violence

Lindsay Morvan, communication manager of Parti Mauricien Social Démocrate (PMSD), said that acts of violence were destroying the image of Mauritius. “It is not possible to be violent and at the same time expect the country to move forward,” said Morvan at a press conference on February 26. He underlined that all acts of violence [...]

28 Feb 2011, The Independent Daily