MCB Mauritius

La MCB Ouvre Davantage l’Accès aux Achats en Ligne à Travers le Débit

Rien qu’à travers les cartes de la MCB, les Mauriciens ont effectué des transactions en ligne de l’ordre de Rs 1 milliard pour l’année en cours.

11 Nov 2015,

La MCB Bloque 1 500 Cartes par Précaution

Ce sont les caméras de surveillance qui ont permis de découvrir les «skimming devices». Des appareils de détection frauduleuse de données ont été placés sur deux ATM de la Mauritius Commercial Bank (MCB) à Port-Louis.

25 Jul 2015,

Counterparty Risk Assessments : Moody’s Attribue la Note Baa2 à la MCB et à la SBM

Selon l'évaluation du Counterparty Risk Assess­ments de Moody's, la note Baa2 a été attribuée à la Maur­itius Commercial Bank (MCB) Limited et à la State Bank of Mauritius (SBM) Ltd.

08 Jul 2015,

Paiement Excédentaire : Stéphane Briand Inculpé par l’ICAC

L’Independent Commission Against Corruption (ICAC) a inculpé jeudi dernier, Stéphane Gérard Briand, un directeur de compagnie demeurant à morcellement Gambier, à Le Morne.

03 Feb 2015,

La Mauritius Union Condamnée à Verser Plus de Rs 48 Millions à la MCB

La Mauritius Commercial Bank (MCB) a obtenu gain de cause dans le litige l’opposant à son assureur, la Mauritius Union Assurance (MUA).

01 Dec 2014,

Phishing: les Clients de la MCB Face à des Attaques Répétées des Cybercriminels

«Your account(s) is no longer active as it has been suspended due to MVR (MCB Verification Requirements). Your attention is required to activate your account now. Activate your account now.» C’est ainsi que des cybercriminels tentent de piéger des clients de la Mauritius Commercial Bank (MCB) à travers une pratique frauduleuse : le phishing.

11 Nov 2014,

Restructuring: MCB Group Listed Today

Today, Thursday, April 3, the MCB Group replaces the Mauritius Commercial Bank Ltd on the official market of the Stock Exchange of Mauritius.

03 Apr 2014,

Loans for Studies: Banks Unveil Their Offers

Mauritius banks designed financing plans for students wishing to study abroad.

14 Feb 2014,

Banking: The MCB pays Rs 72.5 Million to its Board of Directors

It is good to work in the first bank, the Mauritius Commercial Bank (MCB). Despite the crisis, the Board of Directors of the bank has once again been rewarded handsomely for their services in 2013.

13 Dec 2013,

MCB : Time of Restructuring

With the final steps leading to the restructuring of the group endorsed by the board and the green light from authorities "in the pipeline", the Mauritius Commercial Bank claims to be resolutely turned towards the future.

19 Nov 2013,

Agreement MCB-ADB: Signature Of a Financial Package of Rs 4.6 Billion For Expansion In Africa

The MCB and the African Development Bank (ADB) signed on Monday a financial package of USD 150 million (about Rs 4.6 billion)

29 Oct 2013,

The Banks 'Net Fees and Commission' Reached Rs 5.3 Billion

At the end of March 2013, the 'Net Fees and Commission' commercial banks in the country rose 3.7% to Rs 5.3 billion. While revenues on interest (Net Interest Income), which remains the main source of income for banks rose Rs 3.2 billion during the year ending March 2013 to reach Rs 21.1 billion. Below is a sampling of bank charges of four banks.

12 Sep 2013,

MCB Case More Than Six Hours Of Questioning For Philippe A. Forget

The former No. 2 of the MCB, went to CCID 30 from 8 am this morning, Wednesday, September 4. Philippe A. Forget had to provide explanations regarding the case of joint accounts of his subordinates old Michele Tsang Pin and Patricia Smith. After his departure, Pierre-Guy Noël, CEO of MCB, came to CCID.

05 Sep 2013,

MCB and UnionPay Launched the First Prepaid Card in Africa

MCB launched this Thursday, August 29th, the new prepaid card MCB UnionPay. It allows those who are going to China to conduct transactions without carrying currency in cash with them. Simply pour on the map to the desired amount in Renminbi or U.S. dollars.

30 Aug 2013,

Internet Banking : des Clients de la MCB Dépouillés via Une Astuce de Pirates

Ils ont été dépouillés de plusieurs milliers de roupies. Ces clients de la MCB, utilisant les services Internet Banking, ont en fait été piégés par des mails leur demandant de mettre à jour leur profil. La banque a ainsi émis un communiqué pour mettre sa clientèle en garde.

12 Aug 2013,

Bank Charges: The Financial Windfall of Commercial Banks

In addition to the segment B (international business), the Mauritian commercial bank can rely on their bank charges to increase their profitability. Let's take a little tour of banking horizon to see what they have amassed as 'fees and commissions' during the 2012 fiscal year.

09 Aug 2013,

New Service: MCB Turns Your Mobile Phone into Credit Card

Who would have thought? "Juice", the latest services offered by the Mauritius Commercial Bank (MCB), allows you to transfer money from a smartphone or make purchases and ATM withdrawals, without a credit card or cash.

05 Jul 2013,

Some SBM customers reported weird incidents today.

After the downtime following the upgrade of their banking system upgrade a couple of months ago, several SBM customers have reported some weird incidents today.

14 Jun 2013, Yashvin, pages of my life

Ponzy Schemes: Five Banks (MCB, SBM, SBI, MPCB, AfrAsia) May Appeal

The names of the five banks will have to pay fines for failing to comply with the directives on money laundering scams alleged Ponzi scheme are now known. It is the Mauritius Commercial Bank, State Bank of Mauritius, the State Bank of India, the Mauritius Post and Cooperative Bank and Bank AfrAsia.

13 Jun 2013,

Banking: Self-Service Grows

ATMs, credit cards, Internet Banking, Mobile Banking ... Mauritians prefer increasingly close these channels for their banking transactions. It is in this context that the MCB launched Wednesday "Instakit" a product that meets the daily banking needs.

23 May 2013,