MPC Mauritius
Debates, Overnight Rate: Is Decline Truly Solution
The monetary policy committee will meet again today. If exporters are in favor of maintaining the rate in the worst case and a lower rate in the best case, many observers argue that such a decision will not change the situation. Here are their views.
30 Sep 2013,
Devant Le Monetary Policy Committee : L’Economie se Porte Moins Bien Que Prévu, Selon Ali Mansoor
Le secrétaire financier: «Ceux qui prônent une révision à la hausse du Repo Rate engagent l’économie dans une voie suicidaire»
07 Jul 2013,
Monetary Policy Committee: Bheenick and His Two Deputies in Minority Once Again
For the second time this year, Rundheersing Bheenick, Governor of the Bank of Mauritius, and his two deputies Iqbal Belath and Yandraduth Googoolye found themselves in the minority at a meeting of the Monetary Policy Committee. They demanded an increase in the repo rate to counter inflationary effects.
02 Jul 2013,
Sir Alan Budd is in Mauritius to review the functions of the Monetary Policy Committee (MPC)
BOM Governor Rundheersing Bheenick said he expects “the review to lead to a stronger and more transparent MPC, with greater focus on the real economy and its intricacies”
22 Mar 2011,