National Wholesale Market Mauritius
Auction sales outside the National Wholesale Market soon to be banned
Vegetable trade: auction sales outside the National Wholesale Market soon to be banned, according to the Agricultural Marketing Amendment Bill
30 Oct 2023,
Prime Minister Jugnauth Inaugurates The National Wholesale Market
The Prime Minister, Mr. Pravind Kumar Jugnauth, inaugurated Friday afternoon at Five Ways, Belle Rive, Wooton, the National Wholesale Market (NWM), a project worth some 450 million euros which aims to modernize industry and improve efficiency, market transparency and consumer satisfaction.
29 Jul 2023,
National Wholesale Market : le projet démarre cette année
Le ministre l’Agro-industrie et de la Sécurité alimentaire a précisé au parlement, mardi 28 juillet, que le projet d’un marché national démarrera cette année. Maneesh Gobin a précisé que ce National Wholesale Market sera sous la responsabilité de l’Agricultural Marketing Board (AMB).
30 Jul 2020,