Navin Ramgoolam Mauritius
Affaire Roches-Noires : le CCID Peaufine les Questions qui Seront Posées à Navin Ramgoolam
L’enquête sur l'affaire Roches-Noires progresse. Après que les vigiles de la compagnie de sécurité Brinks et certains invités - dont Rakesh Gooljaury et Dass Chetty - ont été interrogés sur cette soirée, les enquêteurs du Central CID s'intéressent désormais à l'ancien Premier ministre, Navin Ramgoolam. Ils peaufinent les questions qui lui seront posées.
19 Jan 2015,
Gooljaury-Soornack-Ramgoolam: le Trio Infernal
Navin Ramgoolam aime le répéter : quand il est affairé avec ses ennemis, il incombe à son entourage de s’occuper de ses amis...
19 Jan 2015,
Affaire Roches-Noires: «Monn Pare Pou Zot», Soutient Ramgoolam
«Il s’agit d’un plan machiavélique, politique, pour me discréditer.»
15 Jan 2015,
Affaires Roches-Noires: «la Convocation de Ramgoolam au CCID Renvoyée»
Navin Ramgoolam devait être interrogé «under warning» ce matin, jeudi 15 janvier, Central Criminal Investigation Department (CCID) au sujet du cambriolage perpétré à son campement à Roches-Noires. Mais la police a renvoyé cet interrogatoire à une date ultérieure. C’est ce qu’a annoncé son homme de loi, Me Yousuf Mohamed.
15 Jan 2015,
Bande Sonore Diffamatoire: Ramgoolam Attendu au CCID Cette Semaine
L’enquête sur la bande sonore portant préjudice à la famille Jugnauth suit son cours. Et les interrogatoires devraient se poursuivre cette semaine.
05 Jan 2015,
Mauritius Elections 2014 – Bravo LEPEP!
Today, I feel proud. Proud to be a true Mauritian! Although the final results are not proclaimed yet at this time (8:10pm), the l’alliance Lepep is currently leading the score with over 45 out...
11 Dec 2014, Yashvin, pages of my life
Things that I will definitely remember when I’m voting in 3 days…
In 3 days time, over 900,000 Mauritians will be required to head towards their respective voting centers to exercise one of their constitution rights – The right to vote. With 2 consecutive mandates, the...
07 Dec 2014, Yashvin, pages of my life
Viré Mam !
Viré mam! Viré mam! Viré mam! This should be on the top 5 hit list of 2014! It is unfortunate that radios can’t broadcast this! Kudos to whoever did this! Related Posts: Les avantages d’être proche...
17 Oct 2014, Yashvin, pages of my life
Les avantages d’être proche du pouvoir… A lire dans ‘Weekend / Le Mauricien’
Dans l’édition de ce dimanche, le journal “Weekend” a encore une fois révélé pas mal de réalités méconnues par la plupart des Mauriciens. L’article de presse intitulé “LE SUMMUM DU NÉPOTISME ATTEINT CES DERNIÈRES ANNÉES...
08 Sep 2014, Yashvin, pages of my life
President Obama & PM Navin… 5 years later…
Navin's meeting with the US President Obama has once more time been captured on camera yesterday during his visit to the United States to attend the U.S.-Africa Leaders Summit and uploaded by the US Department of State has been published on their official Flickr account, just like 5 years ago.
06 Aug 2014, Yashvin, pages of my life
Trou aux Biches – NO to Resto Pandit and other petits copains
Unless you really don’t care about what’s going on in our small country, you must have surely heard of the restaurant being built right in the small parking area of Trou aux Biches public beach. Once again, we are here witnessing how the close people (commonly known as “petits copains”) and political agents to those in […]
15 Sep 2013, Yashvin, pages of my life
Navin Ramgoolam arrested!
Definitely not a hoax, I promise! News headline of today : Navin Ramgoolam has been arrested by the police since Tuesday . While it might be a dream coming true to certain people, it is definitely something that has put a large smile on thousands of faces early this morning. Why? Because the guy arrested […]
06 Sep 2013, Yashvin, pages of my life
Moving to 8 digits for mobiles – Why 5?
In 2 weeks time, the island's mobile infrastructure will go through a major switch, requiring first of all, a change of habit in the life of probably every Mauritian. Have you ever asked yourself why the number 5? :P
14 Aug 2013, Yashvin, pages of my life
Democracy, Law & Order : Recent happenings in Mauritius
I long wanted to write a new article but I could not think of anything interesting enough to pull people out of the festive mood. I kept on writing and later deleting the posts until I wrote this title.
07 Jan 2013, Yashvin, pages of my life
Man arrested for taking pictures of Labour Party activist! #Mauritius #Democracy #Abuse #Power #Politics
Today, the police arrested a man, Yogida Sawmynaden for having shot the picture of a woman, Nandanee Soornack, described as being very close to the Mauritian Labour Party. These two persons became famous overnight because of this incident on the Municipal Elections.
18 Dec 2012, Yashvin, pages of my life
Best Loser System outdated: Ramgoolam
Reluctant to negotiate with MSM, says exercise will be futile. Prime Minister, Navin Ramgoolam, spoke out on Tuesday about the ongoing Best Loser System debate saying, “We cannot continue with the Best Loser System (BLS) as it’s no longer necessary.” He was addressing the media at the wreath laying ceremony held on Tuesday at the [...]
19 Sep 2012, The Independent Daily
SHAKEEL MOHAMED AU JNP : « Ne poussez pas les travailleurs à une action illégale »
Après les consultations ministérielles à haut niveau à l'hôtel du gouvernement dans l'après-midi de vendredi, avec le premier ministre Navin Ramgoolam et celui de l'Agro-industrie, Satish Faugoo, Sha...The post SHAKEEL MOHAMED AU JNP : « Ne poussez pas les travailleurs à une action illégale » appeared first on Mauritius News Ile Maurice.
12 Aug 2012, KotZot
Réforme électorale : "Navin Ramgoolam cherche des prétextes pour se défiler" dénonce Paul Bérenger
Paul Bérenger, leader de l'Opposition et du MMM, qualifie de "prétextes" les points mis en avant par le PM et leader du PTr , Navin Ramgoolam, pour expliquer le nouveau "deadlock" au sujet de la réforme &eac...The post Réforme électorale : "Navin Ramgoolam cherche des prétextes pour se défiler" dénonce Paul Bérenger appeared first on Mauritius News Ile Maurice.
12 Aug 2012, KotZot
New police team will take over the investigation into the murder of Michaela McAreavey
Navin Ramgoolam , the prime Minister of Mauritius has said that a new police team will take over the investigation into the murder of Michaela McAreavey. Superintendent of police Yashwantdev Cally, a former officer of the MCIT, has was asked to conduct the new investigation into the murder of Michaela Harte. He will be assisted [...]The post New police team will take over the investigation into the murder of Michaela McAreavey appeared first on Mauritius News Ile Maurice.
23 Jul 2012, KotZot
Chagos : Navin Ramgoolam proposed tripartite meeting with US & UK
Navin Ramgoolam had to account for his discussions with his British counterpart, David Cameron on the Chagos issue once again in the National Assembly on Tuesday. Replying to a question of the MP Showkatally Soodhun who wanted to know whether the PM had been informed that there was no commitment to talks with Mauritius on [...]The post Chagos : Navin Ramgoolam proposed tripartite meeting with US & UK appeared first on Mauritius News Ile Maurice.
11 Jul 2012, KotZot