Ramadan Mauritius
Shakeel Mohamed propose des parkings près des mosquées pour le Ramadan
Il facilite également l'arrivée d'imams étrangers en collaborant avec les autorités compétentes.
23 Jan 2025, motors.mega.mu
Les mosquées restent fermées pendant ce mois de Ramadan : les fidèles appelés à prier chez eux
Avec le confinement national dans le pays, pour une deuxième année consécutive, le Ramadan se déroulera dans un contexte inédit.
14 Apr 2021, business.mega.mu
Krishnee Bunwaree not to blame – Blame the real inciters!
Why blame Krishnee Bunwaree, however wrong she may have been about the awful things she said on facebook against Muslims, their religion and their fasting during the sacred month of Ramadan? In Islam, if Ms Bunwaree acknowledges her mistake and repents, she is exonerated. […] Krishnee Bunwaree is just a victim being treated unfairly and [...]The post Krishnee Bunwaree not to blame – Blame the real inciters! appeared first on Mauritius News Ile Maurice.
04 Aug 2012, KotZot
Ramadan fasting to start this week
Depending on the visibility of the moon, on Monday or Tuesday, the Muslims will begin their one month fast for Ramadan, one of the five compulsory pillars of Islam. Fasting does not only consist of food deprivation but is mostly an opportunity for believers to change their habits, keeping in mind the need of the [...]
01 Aug 2011, The Independent Daily