SMEDA Mauritius
La labellisation des services, nouveau projet «Made in Moris»
Après trois ans d’existence, le comité «Made in Moris» se lance dans la labellisation des services. Mais il faut avant tout peaufiner le cahier des charges.
05 Sep 2016,
Entreprises: le Ministre Bholah Fait Son Bilan
«Depuis que MyBiz est opérationnel à la mi-décembre, nous avons eu en moyenne 100 personnes qui se renseignent sur nos services.»
24 Dec 2015,
SMEDA : Des Recrutements Suscitent des Interrogations
Une campagne de recrutement au sein de la Small and Medium Enterprise Development Authority (Smeda) suscite des interrogations.
24 Sep 2014,
Entreprenariat : Manisha Annunto Remporte la Best Business Plan Competition
L’idée de faire du commerce des fleurs comestibles porte bonheur à Manisha Annunto. Et pour cause, elle a remporté le premier prix de la compétition organisée par la Small and Medium Enterprises Development Authority (SMEDA) qui visait à promouvoir la préparation d’un ‘Business Plan’ idéal avant d’ouvrir une petite et moyenne entreprise (PME).
04 Nov 2013,
Minister of Mauritius Met Minister of India for MoU between NSIC and Mauritius
The delegation led by H.E. Jangbahadoorsing Seetaram, Minister of Business, Enterprise and Cooperatives, Mauritius met with K. H. Muniyappa, Minister of State (Independent Charge), Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises in New Delhi on 2 September 2013.
07 Sep 2013,
Indira Seebun: "No Increase in Number of SMEs in Difficulty"
A fair Small and medium enterprises (SMEs) begins this Wednesday at Port Louis Waterfront, organized by the Small and Medium Enterprises Development Authority (SMEDA). An opportunity to discuss with the Director of SMEDA, Indira Seebun the difficulties faced by SMEs.
26 Jun 2013,
SMEs: Open Days at SMEDA
The Small and Medium Enterprises Development Authority (SMEDA) is organizing open days from today until Saturday at Coromandel. It will be launched by the Minister for Business, Enterprise and Cooperatives, Jim Seetaram.
20 Jun 2013,
Rodrigues: Training Program for 22 Entrepreneurs
The Human Resource Development Council (HRDC) is redoubling its efforts to promote the development of human resources in Rodrigues. It has launched a training program for 22 entrepreneurs Rodrigues Thursday.
17 May 2013,
SMEs: SMEDA Launches Best Business Plan Contest
Encourage entrepreneurial interest among potential entrepreneurs and reward the best business plans. This is the objective of the SME Best Business Plan Competition 2013, launched this week at the initiative of the Small and Medium Enterprises Development Authority (SMEDA).
16 May 2013,
Training Workshop for SME: Enhance Personal Entrepreneurial Skills
The Small and Medium Enterprises Development Authority (SMEDA), in partnership with Empretec Mauritius, organized from 3 to 10 April Clos St Louis, Domaine Les Pailles, a workshop on "the development of entrepreneurial capacity and strengthening of small and medium enterprises ".
30 Mar 2013,
SMEDA: Management Training for SMEs
The Small and Medium Enterprises Development Authority organizes until July several management training over three days each, for small and medium-sized enterprises existing and potential at its headquarters in Coromandel.
26 Mar 2013,
Entrepreneur Café: SMEs Undertake Collectively
Encourage Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) to engage collectively in order to share their experiences. This was the objective of the round table "Entrepreneur Café" held Thursday at the Small and Medium Enterprises Development Authority (SMEDA) in Coromandel for a score of SMEs.
29 Jan 2013,
Free Courses in Different Streams for Disabled
Free courses will be taught from the beginning of February for the disabled. The courses offered are: jewelry, natural fiber works, ceramics, pyrography and haute couture, as well as the manufacture of handicrafts made from coconut, among others.
18 Jan 2013,
SMEDA Organises First Business Angels Forum – Platform for Investors to Meet Entrepreneurs
The Small and Medium Enterprises Development Authority (SMEDA) hosts this Thursday, 26 July its first Business Angels’ Forum at Coromandel.
24 Jul 2012,
SMEDA will train more businessmen in Mauritius
Indranee Seebun is heading Small and Medium Enterprise Development Authority (SMEDA) since last month
22 Aug 2011,
New SMEDA head aims to train more of business communities
Indranee Seebun is heading Small and Medium Enterprise Development Authority (SMEDA) since last month. “With the economic crisis there is a sense of fear that among the SMEs. We are here to make sure that nothing hinders the progress of the SMEs in Mauritius,” said Seebun, GOSK and former minister of Rights of Women, Child [...]
22 Aug 2011, The Independent Daily
SMEDA signed a memorandum with hotels
The MoU will formally regulate the agreement between SMEDA and AHRIM enabling tourists to exhibit their products in hotels
14 Jul 2011,
Hotels offer marketing to SMEDA
With a view to improve the sales of handicrafts manufactured by local entrepreneurs, Association des Hôteliers et Restaurateurs de l‘île Maurice (AHRIM) and Small and Medium Enterprises Development Authority (SMEDA) signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) in Le Labourdonnais hotel on Wednesday. This was in the presence of the minister of Business, Enterprise, Commerce and [...]
14 Jul 2011, The Independent Daily