Water Mauritius

Water crisis in Mauritius up a notch

By mid-June, if there is no significant rainfall, the supply regime will be once every two days in the Plaine Wilhems region

20 May 2011, business.mega.mu

Rs82 million to build a water channel in Mauritius

The water channel is part of the plan to alleviate the critical water situation

17 May 2011, business.mega.mu

Ramold Triple Layer Water Tank now in Mauritius

Romold Mauritius Ltd, a leading manufacturer of polyethylene products in Europe

11 May 2011, business.mega.mu

Water situation remains critical

Despite Wednesday’s heavy rainfall, the situation at Mare aux Vacoas continues to be still critical. The reservoir is filled at only 41.7 per cent of its capacity. The underground water level is also not very encouraging. The filling rate at Pierrefonds is 64 per cent while the ones at Morcellement St André and Hollyrood are [...]

06 May 2011, The Independent Daily

CWA has plan to avert new water crisis

Yesterday, Mare aux Vacoas was at only 40% of capacit

05 May 2011, business.mega.mu

Water situation in Mauritius is alarming: water from the Mare Longue will be filtered

Water from the Mare Longue reservoir currently holding five million cubic metres of water to La Marie to be filtered and distributed

28 Apr 2011, business.mega.mu

Mauritius thinks about using of brackish water

Authorities are studying the option of using brackish water for consumption

26 Apr 2011, business.mega.mu

New water cuts in Mauritius are inevitable

The rainy season is officially over

26 Apr 2011, business.mega.mu

Bagatelle Dam team from China in Mauritius

A delegation from the China International Water & Electric Corp (CWE) is presently in Mauritius

21 Apr 2011, business.mega.mu

New tariff for water

It is considering different tariffs for domestic and commercial uses

14 Apr 2011, business.mega.mu

China will pay Rs3.4 billion for Bagatelle Dam

The bidder chosen for the Rs3.4 billion Bagatelle Dam project “has been appointed by the government of the Republic of China”

13 Apr 2011, business.mega.mu

Water cuts still in place for central area

The water levels of underground reserves are also in a critical situation

05 Apr 2011, business.mega.mu

Water consumption per person has increased last years

An increase in domestic and commercial water tariffs is imminent

23 Mar 2011, business.mega.mu

Water tariffs to increase in April

An increase in domestic and commercial water tariffs is imminent. To that end a ministerial committee is working on the new tariffs which will most probably come into force next month. Chaired by the deputy prime minister and minister of Energy and Public Utilities, Rashid Beebeejaun, this committee is composed of vice prime minister Xavier-Luc [...]

23 Mar 2011, The Independent Daily

2000 kms of pipes to be replaced

Fixing leaks to cost CWA Rs2bn

16 Mar 2011, business.mega.mu

Beebeejaun urges judicious water usage

The deputy prime minister, minister of Energy and Public Utilities, Dr Rashid Beebeejaun, is once again appealing to the people to use water judiciously and avoid spillage.

05 Feb 2011, The Independent Daily