Ban Mauritius

Education is the right step towards a more responsible internet behavior

As time goes by, I am more and more thinking that I made the wrong choice when I decided to vote for lalliance lepep. They are showing their true colors now, just like any other politician...

10 Oct 2015, Yashvin, pages of my life

Sacs en Plastique : Neuf Catégories Pas Frappées par l’Interdiction

Après les inquiétudes exprimées par des planteurs concernant l’interdiction du plasti­que, le ministère de l’Environnement précise que la première annexe des règlements spécifie de ne pas interdire neuf catégories.

14 Aug 2015,

Eski nou pei bien malade?

Since the launch of this "Nou pei bien malade" campaign in the island, all the buzz created around it has turned it into the talk of the town, at least, if we forget the tons of scandals for some time. Did anyone ask you about your thoughts?

23 Jul 2013, Yashvin, pages of my life