Bats Mauritius

Abattage: des Chauves-Souris Vendues à Rs 50

Ce qu’il en pense de l’abattage des chauves-souris ? Monsieur V., qui habite Amaury, n’a pas d’avis tranché. Ces bêtes, il les aime bien marinées et dans son assiette.

07 Dec 2015,

Batman shot dead in Mauritius…

It is with deep regrets that I announce that Batman has been shot dead yesterday night by members of the Special Mobile Force somewhere around the forest of Daruty, Petit Raffray. The editorial team...

08 Nov 2015, Yashvin, pages of my life

Bats: Rs 50 Million Damage

Bats continue to do damage. The community of farmers faced with difficult situations as they ravage frugivorous fruit trees each year. Thus, there is an annual loss of Rs 50 million. This is indicated by experts from the Ministry of Agro-Industry in charge of controlling the population of these flying mammals that eat seasonal fruits including lychees, longan, mango, among others.

21 Oct 2013,

Unusual Presence Of Bats In the Capital

Bats were observed in several areas of the capital in the morning today at the amazement of many people visiting their workplaces.

04 Oct 2013,

Growing number of bats to be controlled

The Ministry of Agro Industry and Food Security has decided to control the growing number of bats in Mauritius. According to a survey of AREU, in the last 10 years, the population of bats in Mauritius has increased significantly and has become a source of nuisance to fruit planters. The survey of bats in 2010 [...]

19 Dec 2011, The Independent Daily