Car theft Mauritius

Hôpital Jeetoo: Il Délaisse ses Béquilles pour Voler une Moto

Un habitant de Tranquebar a eu la désagréable surprise de constater, à sa sortie de l’hôpital Dr A.G. Jeetoo, Port-Louis, mardi après-midi, que son cyclomoteur, garé à la rue Volcy Pougnet, avait disparu. Il l’avait laissé une heure plus tôt, soit vers 17 h 30, pour une consultation.

22 May 2014,

Car Traffic: Six Stolen Vehicles in a Week

Suspicions focus on mechanics. Six vehicles, including three "Nissan March" and an all-terrain brand "Mitsubishi", were stolen in Black River, Grand Gaube and Port Louis in a week.

28 Dec 2013,

Blue -Bay: sa Voiture Disparaît Alors qu'Eelle Etait Garée Dans sa Cour

Ces voleurs n’ont pas hésité à lui voler sa voiture pourtant fermée à clé et garée dans sa cour, à Blue-Bay. Le vol aurait eu lieu entre lundi à partir de 16 h 30 et 11 h 30 mardi 10 septembre.

12 Dec 2013,

Vol de Motocyclette : Prison pour Deux Electriciens

Deux électriciens, âgés de 31 ans et 23 ans, ont chacun écopé d’une peine de deux ans de prison. Ils ont été reconnus coupables, en fin de semaine, par le magistrat Vijay Appadoo, de la cour intermédiaire, pour vol de motocyclette.

10 Dec 2013,

Mysteriously Disappears from a Bus Parking at Anjalay Stage

This should be a time of leisure. But then he had to attend a concert at Anjalay stage, a bus owner realized that his car had disappeared. The bus was parked in the parking lot of the stadium. The CID Piton was seized of this matter.

13 Nov 2013,

Two Thieves of Motorcycle Arrested at Vallée Pitot

Two youths, aged 22 and 24 years old, living in the area of Valley Pitot, were arrested after several thefts of motorcycles recorded at Champ-de-Mars. They were charged under a provisional charge of theft and possession of stolen property. They are held in police cell after police objected to their release.

06 Nov 2013,

Poste-la-Fayette: Car Stolen at Night

This is the third case of car theft this month in the area of Roches-Noires. A metallic gray Mitsubishi Lancer disappeared Poste-la-Fayette, Tuesday, Oct. 29. The owner, who said he heard nothing, noticed the theft when he woke the next morning.

31 Oct 2013,

Deception: Seven Arrests In Selling A Car "Fly"

Wave of arrests in an investigation by the Criminal Investigation Division of Vacoas on a hoax orchestrated initially by a resident of Forest Side.

04 Sep 2013,

At Rose-Belle: Motorcycle Parts and Bicycle Traffic Dismantled

Akshaye R. Carley alias young laborer 19 years, was arrested by the Criminal Police Rose-Belle, Monday. Nearly a dozen flights of motorcycles and bicycles will be charged to the resident of New Grove. Various pieces of two-wheelers were found at his home.

23 Aug 2013,

Vol de Voiture: le Présumé Voleur Toujours Recherché

Insolite expérience que celle vécue par Nicolas Jacques François Vitou. Le véhicule qu’il avait loué durant son séjour à Maurice a disparu une heure plus tard après qu’il l’a garé dans la cour de son bungalow. Une enquête a été ouverte et le voleur est toujours recherché par la police.

09 Aug 2013,

Accidents in Brief

Rose-Hill : Le 4x4 d’un Conseiller Municipal Volé; Rose-Belle : Il se fait dépouiller de plus de Rs 50 000

24 Jul 2013,

Stolen Car: Quatre-Bornes and Highlands

Parked in Front of His Door: His Vehicle is Swept Away by Thieves ; Highlands: booty of Rs 400,000 and a car stolen

19 Jul 2013,

Car Stolen in 2012 Found in Plaine Magnien

The vehicle was stolen eight months ago. However, it was found yesterday afternoon Sunday, June 16, at Plaine Magnien at the bottom of a river.

17 Jun 2013,

Police Investigation: Four Arrested for Motorcycle Theft

During an operation mounted Friday on the basis of reliable information, the Criminal Investigation Division of Port Louis North and Field Intelligence Officers intercept a motorcycle were registered 700 L at Cocoterie Street , St. Croix.

28 Jan 2013,

In Less than 12 Hours: Two Cars Stolen and Abandoned

Is this a network of car theft or would they have used these vehicles to commit their crime? This is what is trying to establish the criminal police of Port Louis South and their colleagues CID Trou-aux-Biches and Red Earth. Two cars were stolen in less than 12 hours. Five individuals are sought.

21 Jan 2013,

Police on trail of car theft gang in north

Police are investigating a possible network of car thieves that operate in the north of the island. As part of the investigation, the police in Baie du Tombeau, under the supervision of sergeant Daworaz, arrested two youngsters, aged 18 and 20 years on the night of April 22. They will appear in court on Monday [...]

25 Apr 2011, The Independent Daily

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