Dating app Mauritius

Oops. You've been picking the wrong dating profile pics all this time.

Think you've obsessed over your dating profile pics and finally managed to get them just right? Sorry, but you'd better think again.

21 Apr 2017,

Tinder Online is a new web version of the dating app

Tinder is today introducing a new way for users to access the platform with the launch of Tinder Online, a web-optimized version of the dating app so people can Tinder at their desktops.

30 Mar 2017,

Tinder Select is a secret, members-only version of the app

Tinder has been operating a members-only version of the platform called Tinder Select, which is meant to serve only the elite users on the app, including CEOs, super models, and other hyper-attractive/upwardly affluent types.

09 Mar 2017,