Facebook Mauritius

Des données de milliers de comptes Facebook de Mauriciens mises en ligne

Des données concernant plus de 500 millions d’utilisateurs Facebook et issues d’une fuite survenue en 2019, dont des adresses e-mail et des numéros de téléphone, ont été mises en ligne sur un forum de hackers, confirmant les informations d’un expert en cybercriminalité.

05 Apr 2021, business.mega.mu

Facebook announces new European privacy controls, for the world

Ahead of the GDPR, which is set to come into effect in May

18 Apr 2018, business.mega.mu

Facebook ad feature claims to predict user's future behaviour

Social network criticised over feature that targets users who are likely to switch to an advertiser’s rival’s product

16 Apr 2018, business.mega.mu

Facebook’s startling new ambition is to shrink

Over the next year, we’ll start spending less time on Facebook. Those of us who used it to catch up on the news will find less of it to read. We’ll watch fewer videos, and we’ll see fewer advertisements. In theory, Facebook will make less money off us — or, at least, the rate at which it makes more and more money off us will slow.

15 Jan 2018, business.mega.mu

Achat de pièces de voiture sur Facebook : un automobiliste se fait escroquer par un pseudo vendeur

Roshan, 29 ans, qui voulait embellir sa voiture et la rendre plus performante, n'en revient pas.

18 Dec 2017, motors.mega.mu

Réseaux sociaux: Ameenah Gurib-Fakim s’emporte contre des internautes

«Well YOU enlighten me as YOU are judging by calling backpacker.. Tell me ... how do you know I do not work for the Mauritian people… how do you judge that?? tell me...»

30 Nov 2017, business.mega.mu

Facebook rolls out AI to detect suicidal posts before they’re reported

This is software to save lives. Facebook’s new “proactive detection” artificial intelligence technology will scan all posts for patterns of suicidal thoughts, and when necessary send mental health resources to the user at risk or their friends, or contact local first-responders.

28 Nov 2017, business.mega.mu

Facebook redesign nixes the blue profile header and adds circular pictures

Facebook is rolling out a slight redesign to the News Feed today, which overhauls the main interface of the site for a cleaner look. What that actually translates to in practical terms is getting rid of the blue accents and headers across most of the interface, which the company claims will make navigating easier and more consistent.

16 Aug 2017, business.mega.mu

Facebook fined $122 million by EU for ‘misleading information’ about WhatsApp acquisition

The European Commission has fined Facebook €110 million ($122 million) for “providing incorrect or misleading information” about its 2014 acquisition of WhatsApp.

18 May 2017, business.mega.mu

Facebook shuts Oculus VR movie studio

Facebook is shutting down a studio in California created to make films and other video content for its Oculus virtual reality headset.

05 May 2017, business.mega.mu

Facebook’s Express Wi-Fi launches commercially in India

Express Wi-Fi is one of Facebook’s many connectivity initiatives under its internet.org umbrella. Unlike more futuristic projects like the Aquila drone, though, the emphasis here is on existing Wi-Fi technologies and allowing local entrepreneurs to resell internet access.

04 May 2017, business.mega.mu

Facebook’s Messenger games are now available to everyone

Facebook announced today that its new Messenger game-playing features are now available to the entire 1.2 billion people who use the app every month. Instant Games, as the platform is called, first launched in closed beta last November with arcade titles like Pac-Man and Galaga.

03 May 2017, business.mega.mu

Réseaux sociaux: nouvelle arnaque sur Facebook

Ils se font passer pour des hommes d’origine espagnole qui habitent à Londres. Ces escrocs qui sévissent sur Facebook envoient des friend requests à des Mauriciennes, en particulier des célibataires ayant la trentaine, et les mettent en confiance

22 Apr 2017, business.mega.mu

Facebook addresses revenge porn with tech to prevent people from re-sharing intimate images

Facebook has implemented a new photo-matching technology to ensure people can’t re-share images previously reported and tagged as revenge porn — intimate photos of people shared without their consent.

06 Apr 2017, business.mega.mu

Optimisation fiscale : la MRA s’intéresse au cas de Facebook, Google et Microsoft

Maurice pourrait suivre l’exemple de l’Australie qui a décidé d’obliger les multinationales de l’informatique à cesser de déclarer, dans d’autres juridictions où les impôts sont plus faibles, des revenus engrangés sur son marché.

03 Apr 2017, business.mega.mu

Facebook launches Stories in the main Facebook app

Facebook’s plan to copy everything that made Snapchat successful is finally reaching its final form with the launch of stories in the main Facebook app. You can now share stories with your Facebook friends and see what your friends have been up to for the past 24 hours.

28 Mar 2017, business.mega.mu

Un faux message d’avertissement circule sur les réseaux sociaux

Un message faisant état d’un nouveau mode opératoire des voleurs circule sur Facebook depuis le dimanche 5 mars 2017. Il indique aussi que le Central Criminal Investigation Department met la population en garde.

06 Mar 2017, business.mega.mu

Mark Zuckerberg’s humanitarian manifesto

Are we building the world we all want?” That’s a question often reserved for the lips of presidents and religious leaders, and too rarely asked by CEOs. But technology has risen as a force that unites us, alongside government and faith. So too must captains of industry rise to accept their opportunity of influence, for the betterment of humanity in one of its most volatile moments.

17 Feb 2017, business.mega.mu

Google and Facebook ban fake news sites from their advertising networks

While it would have been nice to tackle this issue before the election, Google and Facebook are finally taking a tiny step in order to fight back against fake news. According to multiple statements, both companies have updated their policies to ban fake news sites from using Facebook’s and Google’s advertising networks.

15 Nov 2016, business.mega.mu

Ping! Say hi to sponsored messages in Facebook Messenger

If you've spoken with a company via the messaging app, that company can pay Facebook to try to continue that conversation with you.

09 Nov 2016, business.mega.mu

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