Food Mauritius

Produits de Consommation: Qu’est-ce Qui Monte, Qu’est-ce Qui Baisse

Les consommateurs revoient à la hausse leur budget pour l’achat de certains produits de consommation. Plusieurs articles ont, en effet, vu leurs prix grimper ces temps-ci. Il n’y a que le lait dont le prix est en repli. Tour d’horizon.

22 Sep 2014,

Le Prix du Bétail Fixé pour l’Eid-Ul-Adha

À l’approche de l’Eid-Ul-Adha, le gouvernement veut fixer le prix du bétail. Ainsi, le prix d’un bœuf sur pattes ne doit pas dépasser Rs 139,50 par kilo.

13 Sep 2014,

Dans l’Est: la Vente de Viande en Plein Air Décriée

Ils vendraient de la viande exposée à même le sol. Profitant de la saison de la chasse, qui tire bientôt à sa fin, de nombreux marchands se sont installés à Montagne-Longue et sur la route de Moka-Flacq notamment.

25 Aug 2014,

Consommation - Panier de la Ménagère : Hausse de Rs 268 en 7 Mois

Entre janvier et juillet, les Mauriciens ont dû débourser Rs 268 additionnelles pour l’achat des denrées alimentaires.

28 Jul 2014,

Dhollpuris : Quand la Concurrence Nuit au Business

La compétition devient de plus en plus féroce pour les opérateurs spécialisés dans la vente de dhollpuris. Si tant est que les nouveaux sur ce marché doivent faire preuve d’innovation pour rester dans la course.

03 Jul 2014,

Dry Grains from Rs 5 to Rs 7 More Expensive

The price of dried beans takes the elevator ones. There is an increase of 5%, 15%, 20% or more depending on the prices on the world market.

18 Feb 2014,

323 Kg of Food and 29 Cases of Whiskey Seized

Several businesses were flooded food unfit for consumption during the holiday season. The proof: the Ministry of Health carried out the seizure of 323 kilos of products unfit for consumption in a week.

06 Jan 2014,

Consumer Protection: Major Changes in the Mid-2014

A new Consumer Protection Bill will be introduced in April 2014 to replace the Fair Trading Act 1979 and the Consumer Protection Act 1991. And a Consumer Affairs Tribunal, a National Consumer Council and Consumer Welfare Fund in July 2014. These are the items listed in the agenda of the Ministry of Commerce.

30 Dec 2013,

276 Pounds of Food Seized in a Week

Inspectors of the Ministry of Health show is intractable in this festive period compared to the quality of the food for sale throughout the island.

27 Dec 2013,

Controversial Fish, Pangasius, Reintroduced on the Market

It was considered unfit for human consumption and withdrawn from the market. But the authorities have to reauthorize the sale of pangasius. The Ministry of Fisheries, it indicates that a delegation visited Vietnam, the main exporter of this fish, to ensure that hygiene standards are met.

18 Dec 2013,

Operation Crack Down on Fast Food

Restoration, classic, fast or take-away, will be subject to health checks strengthened in December. The operation aims to inspect institutions, retailers and independent, high-risk.

21 Nov 2013,

Food Basket is More Expensive

The cost of the food basket has increased steadily since the beginning of the year. Several products have increased, including non-alcoholic beverages, vegetables, meat, rice, dried beans, milk and the bus ticket and the TV license fee.

05 Nov 2013,

Local Fruit: Up to Rs 500 Watermelon ...

The price of local fruits take the elevator. They go up to Rs 500 for a watermelon and a pineapple Rs 30 ... The culprits: climate and bats.

22 Oct 2013,

Cerf Certifié Halal au Jumbo Phoenix: l’Hypermarché Reconnaît «Un Manquement»

La direction de l’hypermarché Jumbo Phoenix revient sur l’incident survenu le samedi 12 octobre dernier au sujet des produits certifiés halal. Dans un communiqué émis ce lundi 14 octobre, elle explique que «sa bonne foi a été trompée».

15 Oct 2013,

Investigation by Department of Commerce : Selling Price of Cattle on Legs at Rs 140 - Rs 145 per kilo

In two weeks our fellow Muslim faith celebrate the Qurbani. However, due to the nature of the trade, there is a monopoly on the import and trade of cattle on legs. A survey by the Ministry of Commerce has concluded that the sale price will vary between Rs 140 and Rs145 per kg.

03 Oct 2013,

Tente Bazar : le Prix du Chou-Fleur Monte en Fleche

Le prix minimal de certains légumes accuse une légère baisse de prix. A l’instar de la pomme d’amour dont le prix minimal a diminué de Rs 5. Celui de la tomate baisse, lui, de Rs 10, passant à Rs 25.

29 Sep 2013,

Cost of Living: 130,900 Households Spend 50% on Food

130,900 households spend more than 50% of their income on food, Statistics Mauritius reveals in its report entitled 'Quality of life & sustainable development indicators' published last week. This demonstrates the depletion of a certain layer of society highlight observers.

27 Sep 2013,

Decline in Purchasing Power, The Canned Tuna Fishing

At a time when the purchasing power is declining, canned tuna, cheap, is increasingly popular in kitchens.

24 Jul 2013,

Cooking Oil: Reasons Behind Prices Decline

Moroil and Ramdenee Edible Oil, which sell vegetable oil Rani and the Rajah brand respectively, reviewed this week their prices down. A motivated by lower commodity prices and strong competition in the sale of cooking oil making.

10 Jul 2013,

Consumption: 4.5% Drop in the Price of Edible Oil

From Monday 08 July, consumers have seen a 4.5% drop in the price of edible oil. The price of oil sold by Moroil accused yesterday down 4.5%, or Rs 2.35 per liter.

09 Jul 2013,