Insurance Mauritius
United Basalt Products LTD: Bond Issuance In The Study
United Basalt Products Ltd., one of the largest operators in the construction industry - listed on the official market of the Stock Exchange - plans to launch a bond issue in the form of private placements. Moreover, Bluelife Ltd and IOREC have a merger.
05 Sep 2013,
Do you claim for your medical expenses to your health insurance company?
Last year when I talked about life insurance policies, the rather low participation rate on the article give the impression that very little of my blog audience actually have one. As opposed to a life insurance policy, a medical insurance plan works differently. Let's see how.
16 Jul 2013, Yashvin, pages of my life
Accident: Mother and Son Demanded Rs 2 Million from SICOM
They have never recovered from their occurred on December 5, 2012 at Red Sea accident. That day, a mother and her son were on a motorcycle when a van which was hit. They now trail the State Insurance Company of Mauritius Ltd (SICOM) to justice.
14 May 2013,
Inondations - Aux Assureurs: La FSC pour un Traitement Juste et Expéditif des Réclamations
Insurers Association : fonds de solidarité d’au moins Rs 500 000 pour les victimes
05 Apr 2013,
Assurances : Attention aux Litiges
Suite aux inondations de samedi, la Financial Services Commission (FSC) anticipe un grand nombre de dossiers de dédommagements déposés dans les compagnies d’assurances du pays.
04 Apr 2013,
Floods: Insurance Need to Be More Flexible
Mauritius has faced torrential rains. But those last Saturday having caused such a rise in the water indicate an exceptional situation.
03 Apr 2013,
Floods: Claims for Vehicles Could Exceed Rs 100 million
The car insurance companies are facing an unprecedented situation. Claims for cars that were damaged during the floods could reach Rs 100 million.
03 Apr 2013,
Floods and Insurance: Claims Tens of Millions of Rupees
Claims to insurance companies already have tens of millions of rupees after the floods recorded during the weekend. This is what early figures obtained from some large insurance companies. These claims cover both auto insurance and other types of insurance coverage including general trading houses, equipment and product inventory as well as private residences.
03 Apr 2013,
Assurances – Ce Qu’il Faut Savoir. File d’Attente Prévue Chez les Compagnies d’Assurances
Votre voiture a subi des dégâts lors des inondations ? Votre commerce/maison a été inondé(e) ? Abdel Ruhomutally, Deputy Managing Director de GFA Insurance, vous explique ce que vous devez savoir.
02 Apr 2013,
Agriculture: SFWF Launches Insurance Scheme for Small Farmers
The Small Farmers Welfare Fund (SFWF) launched at Monday at Solitude, a medical insurance plan for small farmers.
27 Feb 2013,
Car Insurance and Fleet Management: Full Monitoring of Drivers
Reduce compensation payments and better tailor premiums to drivers profiles. These are benefits that Auto Watch promises Mauritian insurers.
25 Jan 2013,
Abdel Ruhomutally (Deputy Managing Director at GFA Insurance) "An Unhealthy Competition Prevailing in the Insurance Sector"
The insurance industry will grow by 10-15% this year, provides Abdel Ruhomutally 'Deputy Managing Director' at GFA Insurance. He decries the "fire sale prices" practiced by insurance companies and commented in the wake of SICOM involvement in the purchase of a building to Rs 600 million in Ebony.
25 Jan 2013,
Pour Duper Son Assurance : Il Orchestre le Vol de Son Camion
K.B., 43 ans, voulait se faire de l'argent sur le dos de l'assurance, mais a échoué. Il s'en mord les doigts. Le 16 décembre, cet habitant de Petite-Julie a rapporté que son camion, garé à la rue Diégo-Garcia à Port-Louis, a été volé. Il avait même porté plainte au poste de police de Plaine-Verte. Mais il s'avère que cette affaire de vol était montée de toutes pièces.
06 Jan 2013,
Voiture Accidentée d’Assam Edun : Phoenix Insurance Affirme Avoir Versé Rs 125 000 Au Garagiste
Réagissant à notre article paru dans Le Défi Quotidien du mercredi 7 novembre 2012, concernant le cas de M. Assam Edun, qui attend d’être dédommagé par l’assureur de la partie adverse depuis que son véhicule a été accidenté en décembre 2010, la direction de Phoenix Insurance a tenu à préciser qu’elle a déjà versé la somme de Rs 125 000 au garage N.R. se trouvant à l’avenue Berthaud, à Quatre-Bornes.
09 Nov 2012,
Car Accident in December 2010: He Expects to be Compensated by the Insurer
Since the vehicle was involved in an accident Sivananda Avenue, Floreal, December 24, 2010, Assam Edun is going back and forth between the insurer and the other party. He expects that his claim of about Rs 437,000 be paid. However, the Motor Vehicle Insurance Arbitration Committee has ruled in favor of a 'ruling' dated 15 June 2011.
07 Nov 2012,
Delhi's Green Light To Foreign Investment In Insurance
After the distribution and civil aviation, the Indian government Thursday approved the opening of the insurance sector and pension savings to foreign direct investment (FDI), a measure that seeks to revive an economy in decline speed.
05 Oct 2012,
Technical Committee Will Review Mode Of Operation Of Insurance Business
The decision follows an early meeting that Max Fulton, director of supervision of the Financial Services Commission (FSC) has had with all the Chief Executive Officers of the insurance sector.
05 Sep 2012,
Partnership SBI (Mauritius) and Island Life Insurance: Banking and Insurance Under One Roof
Jugdish S. Hiremath, Managing Director and Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of SBI (Mauritius) Ltd and Vinarayakumar Balakrishnan, General Manager of Island Life Insurance, sealed their alliance at a ceremony Wednesday, May 16, 2012 at Le Labourdonnais , Port Louis to provide all banking services and insurance.
17 May 2012,
Insurance: Cim Insurance Group Merged with Swan and Anglo Mauritius
The consolidation process continues in the area of insurance companies. After Prudence which was absorbed by Mauritius Union, it was the turn of Cim Insurance to merge with the Swan Insurance group.
25 Apr 2012,
BAI: New version of the A + Education Plan
BAI launches a new version of its A + Education Plan. Modernized and innovative, this plan now offers more facilities and flexibility for parents who want to ensure their children's future through quality education.
16 Mar 2012,