Manufacturing Mauritius

Importations : Peut-on se dispenser de la Chine ?

En 2019, la Chine, premier exportateur mondial, a réalisé USD 2 382 milliards d’exportations. C’est dire le nombre de pays qui en dépendent. Mais, aujourd’hui que la deuxième économie mondiale est en panne économique à cause de l’épidémie de coronavirus, c’est toute l’industrie mondiale qui se retrouve au ralenti.

24 Feb 2020,

Artisanat - Produits Locaux : Un Hologramme D’Authentification Réclamé

En achetant des produits artisanaux locaux pour un montant d’au moins Rs 1 000, un touriste recevra un bon d’achat de Rs 200. Comment cette mesure dynamisera-t-elle le secteur à Maurice ? Les opérateurs livrent leurs avis.

10 Nov 2017,

Budget 2017-18 - Manufacturier : cap sur la fabrication et l’exportation des dispositifs médicaux

Afin de générer des investissements, booster la croissance et l’exportation dans le secteur manufacturier, une série de mesures a été annoncée, notamment pour encourager la production des dispositifs médicaux.

09 Jun 2017,

Circulation Routière: Le PM Annonce Que le Road Decongestion Program Démarrera dans Quelques Mois

C’est un Premier ministre optimiste quant à l’avenir du secteur manufacturier qui a pris la parole mercredi soir 9 décembre lors du 20e anniversaire de l’Association of Mauritian Manufacturers (AMM) au Casela.

11 Dec 2015,

Manufacturing: Made in Mauritius

No longer satisfied with merely canning tuna and spinning yarn, entrepreneurs are producing high-end goods ranging from watch parts to complex medical devices.

10 Oct 2014,

Changement Politique : Les Défis qui Attendent la Nouvelle Coalition

Le changement radical que connaît, ces jours-ci, le paysage politique local aura un impact conséquent sur la politique économique.

12 Sep 2014,

Companies Join their Efforts for Label 'Made in Moris'

Mauritian companies together to promote local expertise. Thus, the two companies specializing in the manufacture of paints, Mauvilac Industries and Sofap met at Espace House last Saturday. The two competitors were loaned to the game with a common goal: to highlight the expertise, skills and Mauritian jobs.

30 May 2013,

New Leasing: Facilities for Export Companies

Export-oriented enterprises in the textile sector will now benefit from new leasing facilities in US Dollar (USD) and Euro. Finance Minister Xavier-Luc Duval on Wednesday launched the scheme under the Leasing Equipment Modernisation Scheme (LEMS) in Forex to bring a variation to the current LEMS in local currency.

27 May 2013,

Youth Employment: Manufacturing and ICT Recruit

They carve the lion's share of recruitment. Manufacturing and information technology and communication (ICT) has absorbed half of trainees Youth Employment Programme(YEP)

22 Apr 2013,

Export Sector: More Than 4000 People Have Lost their Jobs in 2012

20 export-oriented companies have closed their doors in 2012, resulting in the dismissal of 2,196 people. More than 2 000 people have lost their jobs due to downsizing exercises. For cons, the number of foreign workers engaged in this sector is constantly increasing.

27 Mar 2013,

Construction Of A Ship Mayotte: The CNOI Won a Contract of Rs 240 Million

The shipyard Indian Ocean, Mauritian company IBL group, has won a contract of Rs 240 million for the construction of a double-ended boat to Mayotte. With its 39 meters long and 12 meters wide, 50, will be the largest ship built by CNOI.

19 Mar 2013,

Manufacturing Workers: Are They Still Suffering?

In Export Processing Zones (EPZ) around the world, the majority of workers are said to be isolated, denied basic rights, and prohibited from joining unions, which is often in gross violation of national laws and customs.

15 Mar 2013,

The Economy in 2013: Hope or Mirage?

The year 2012 ended on economic indicators, which, although lackluster proved beyond initial forecasts made in the context of the global crisis.

09 Jan 2013,

New Beginning for Manufacturing Sector

Backbone of the Mauritian economy for more than 40 years, the manufacturing sector, dominated by textiles, also owes its salvation to other segments such as jewelery, watches and electronics assembly. The sector will major changes in 2013.

12 Dec 2012,

Légère Reprise du Secteur Manufacturier

Malgré la crise qui affecte actuellement la zone euro et l'Amérique, le secteur manufacturier se porte bien à Maurice.

12 Dec 2011,

Increase in manufacturing output

31 Mar 2011,

Ceres new branding

Ceres Ltd, a company that produces and sells Oeudor and Matins on Thursday will launch the new name of the company and its new corporate identity.

17 Mar 2011,