Mauritius Mauritius

Financial Fraud New Company in the Police Crosshairs

After Whitedot, Sunkai and Je T'aime Marketing, another investment company found itself in the sights of Central CID (CCID). It's Wealth Management Ltd.

23 Apr 2013,

One Dead and Three Seriously Injured During the Weekend

After the accident on Friday with resident killed Bamboo bike in St Martin, the road is still dead and three seriously injured during the weekend. The fatal accident occurred at Port Louis with a forty motorbike hitting a power pole. On the other hand, two of the three injured are also motorcyclists.

23 Apr 2013,

Illegal Bets at Rodrigues: Three New Arrests

After the arrests of brothers Ashwin and Kevin N. during the weekend, three other suspects were shuttered in the investigation of a network of illegal bets on horse races between Rodrigues and Mauritius.

23 Apr 2013,

Whitedot: the Network of Pastor to Millions Targeted

The investigation of the Central CID on financial frauds with an injury a little over Rs 1 billion currently trying to deepen the network list of pastors to millions with new turn started since the end of last week.

22 Apr 2013,

Mauritius: Tax Haven in the Eyes of the World

This heats for the Mauritian financial jurisdiction. Indians are not the only country to qualify as a tax haven. This labeling has become global. Mauritius is considered a tax haven in Africa.

22 Apr 2013,

Sur Les Routes : Les Ratés de la Machine du VPM Anil Bachoo

Le vice-Premier ministre et ministre des Infrastructures publiques, Anil Bachoo, dans une position délicate après les inondations meurtrières du samedi 30 mars ayant fait onze victimes, semble confirmer une autre réputation. En effet, il est sur le point de collecter une série de projets annoncés en grande pompe et dont la mise à exécution est reportée de manière systématique.

22 Apr 2013,

NTC: Loss of Rs 287 Million to Provide

The management of the National Transmission Corporation (NTC) has made his calculations. It expects to incur losses of around Rs 287 million during the next three years if appropriate measures are not taken in time to clean up its financial position.

22 Apr 2013,

Alleged Police Corruption Offense: Driver Whitened

Sigh of relief for Hemraj Jawahir. Intermediate Court prosecuted for trying to bribe a police officer was acquitted Friday. Magistrate Renuka Dabee gave him the benefit of the doubt.

22 Apr 2013,

Radar : Remplir les Caisses de l'Etat ou Faire Baisser les Accidents ?

20 nouvelles caméras ont été installées et seront opérationelles sous peu. L'objectif: contraindre les automobilistes à ralentir dans des "prone accident areas" ou ce qu'on appelle couramment les "black-spot areas".

22 Apr 2013,

Whitedot: Lutchman’s Company in England Interested Police

The noose is tightening around Govinduth Lutchman, alias Sanjeev. This character has a portfolio of Rs 640 million in Whitedot International Consultancy Ltd.. Saturday, the Hemant Jangi of the ACP subjected him to a barrage of questions about Financial Consultant Company Ltd, a company he established in England.

22 Apr 2013,

Investing in Africa: Challenges and Opportunities in Zimbabwe and South Africa

The Africa Business Club met on Friday to talk to Moka risk in terms of investment in Africa. Invited for the occasion, Anushka Ramlall, Risk Insight manager, specializing in the management of investment risk is particularly heavily upon the case of South Africa and Zimbabwe.

22 Apr 2013,

Agriculture: Mauritius Feared an Attack of Fruit Flies

The Ministry of Agro Industry and Food Security declared quarantine zones village of Trou aux Biches and Labourdonnais following the discovery of a fruit fly, belonging to the species 'Bactrocera dorsalis' in a fly trap in the north.

22 Apr 2013,

Tax Treaty with Mauritius Back to the Drawing Board, Says Indian FM P Chidambaram

Indian Finance minister P Chidambaram has said the government has not made any progress in renegotiating a contentious tax treaty with Mauritius and that the tax-related travails of MNCs such as Vodafone, Nokia or Shell made more news in India than abroad.

22 Apr 2013,

Youth Employment: Manufacturing and ICT Recruit

They carve the lion's share of recruitment. Manufacturing and information technology and communication (ICT) has absorbed half of trainees Youth Employment Programme(YEP)

22 Apr 2013,

Transport En Commun: L'ultimatum

Depuis cette fin de semaine, les compagnies d'autobus sont confrontées à un ultimatum des plus délicats dans le cadre du bras de fer engagé avec les syndicats pour une amélioration des conditions d'emploi.

22 Apr 2013,

Turf, 6th Day: Seattle Ice Causes a Big Upset in the Main Rvent

Seattle Ice, whose career was in jeopardy in 2012 due to major health problems, overturned the odds in the main event in dominant style in a brilliant finish to Master Mascus. The favorite Green Keeper finished dead last!

22 Apr 2013,

NEC / CEB: Relations in High Voltage!

Energy policy and the need for the proposed coal power plant of 100 MW in Pointe-aux-Caves, Albion, continue to debate with the backdrop of a real tussle between the National Energy Commission (NEC) and the Central Electricity Board (CEB).

21 Apr 2013,

Boutiques Chinoises : un Folklore en Voie d’Extinction

Naguère quintessence du commerce au détail, les boutiques chinoises - ou ‘laboutik sinwa’, dans le parler mauricien - sont aujourd’hui menacées par la grande distribution. Pourtant, celles qui survivent accueillent aujourd’hui encore une clientèle fidèle grâce, notamment, au fameux ‘carnet ration’.

21 Apr 2013,

Nirvi Management and Lotus Fund: Rs 100 million to be Repaid According to First Reading

A brief summary of the FSC indicates that approximately Rs 100 million has been invested by clients in Nirvi Fund Management and Lotus, two companies suspended by the regulator. The administrator appointed by the FSC should check where the parties are deposits made by customers.

21 Apr 2013,

Deux Accidents Fatals Impliquant des Deux-Roues

Un cycliste et un motocycliste ont été tués durant les dernières 48 heures. Le premier, un jeune de 32 ans, a percuté un camion, le second un quinquagénaire, un poteau électrique.

21 Apr 2013,