Mauritius Mauritius

DIVA, ASVA et SVDA : "Cessez l'importation de voitures japonaises"

Les importateurs de véhicules ne savent plus quoi faire. Ils font face à une crise actuellement car près de 25 showrooms de voitures se retrouvent sans véhicule ou avec une ou deux voitures seulement.

31 May 2011,

After Aston Martin, Jean Suzanne motorcycles in the center of a dispute

The liquidator of Infinity BPO Boodhna Roger, did serve a formal notice to the company Ruben Racing Ltd. He seeks the cancellation of payments made by the call center for personal Jean Suzanne. Including the purchase of three motorcycles and two quads.Le all for Rs 1.6 M.

30 May 2011,

STC : aucune contamination des produits pétroliers

Ouf de soulagement pour la State Trading Corporation. Le rapport d’analyse de la Société générale de surveillance (SGS) n’a détecté aucune trace de contamination des produits pétroliers en provenance de Mangalore Oil Refinery à bord du tanker Red Eagle de la compagnie Betamax.

30 May 2011,

Road accidents and drowning, five deaths for Mother's Day

Police have been busy this Sunday, May 29 Five deaths have been recorded throughout the island. The medical examiner has conducted three autopsies during the day, having had to consider four other corpses who happen to be natural cases.

30 May 2011,

Accident at Mount: A third person died from injuries

Three days after suffering a traffic accident in Mount, Seevanand Ramgutee passed away, Thursday, May 26 Two other people died in that accident.

30 May 2011,

Can carpooling reduce traffic problems in Mauritius?

Car Pooling can only be advantageous in every way. Nothing is wrong in sharing your car (and the cost) with your neighbours or friends who are also travelling to the same destination.

29 May 2011, Yashvin, pages of my life

Lotto Results 28-05-11: One Winner Of More Than Rs 41 Million

The winning numbers for lotto draw 28-05-11 are 04-10-11-13-24-27. There has been only one winner of more than Rs 41 Million. The winning ticket has been validated at Tabagie Arena at Rose Belle. The Jackpot for next week’s draw, the 83rd will be back at Rs 5 Million. 6 Good Numbers: One winner of Rs [...]

28 May 2011, MauritiusHot

Mauritius Lotto Draw 28-05-11, Rs 41 Million

The lotto draw for Saturday 28 May 2011 will be Rs 41 Million. The Jackpot is a rollover sum from last week’s draw in which there were no winners for six good numbers. In French La cagnotte de cette semaine est estimée à Rs 41 millions.

28 May 2011, MauritiusHot

Petroleum contaminated - ACIM: Loss of Rs 40 million

The losses incurred by the State Trading Corporation after infection of 1 000 tonnes of fuel amounted to Rs 40 million, according to the Consumer Association of Mauritius (ACIM).

25 May 2011,

NTC: privatization is the only solution

Really, nothing goes in the National Transport Company (NTC). Given the debts it has accumulated in recent years, the state plans to privatize it to make it more profitable. A chart prepared by the NTC is examined by the Ministry of Public Infrastructure and domestic transport.

25 May 2011,

Plaine-Lauzun the new bridge operational soon

You've probably noticed, the establishment of a bridge near the complex of Food Canners at Plaine-Lauzun, is being completed. From information obtained from the Road Development Authority (RDA) that this project on autroute between straw and Port-Louis was not in the plans.

24 May 2011,

Une collision inévitable fait deux morts à Mount

Un accident d’une extrême violence entre une voiture et un van a fait deux morts et deux blessés graves vers 14 heures, lundi à Mount. Les rapports d’autopsie, rédigés par le Dr Sudesh Kumar Gungadin attribuent les décès à des multiples blessures.

24 May 2011,

Parti Malin – Danrajsingh Aubeeluck Junior?

Parti Malin Junior is finally here. Well not really but this little guy imitating the leader of Parti Malin, Danrajsingh Aubeeluck is simply LOL! Piti la p criye mem aret bat zenfant, aret donne cout calchoul et so deriere p vine rouzz. Mai comend dir so la voix mem pa p lai sorti. Mo pense [...]Parti Malin – Danrajsingh Aubeeluck Junior? is a post from: Island Crisis

24 May 2011, Island Crisis

Rallyes clandestins de petites cylindrées – Ces courses contre la mort

Faute de moyens financiers, certains jeunes mordus de deux-roues et de vitesse se tournent vers les petites cylindrées qu’ils modifient afin de participer aux « runs », véritable « craze » du moment. Ces courses se terminent souvent mal, mais masquées en de banals accidents. Adrien, jeune victime, raconte la dure réalité de l’asphalte.

24 May 2011,

Holcim highlights road safety issue

Promoting road safety and increasing truck drivers’ awareness is the objective of cement company Holcim (Mauritius) Ltd. The company organised an road safety awareness day, in collaboration with the police.

24 May 2011,

CWA considers ban on car wash

The decision on outdoor water use restriction will be taken at the office of the minister of Energy and Public Utilities Rashid Beebeejaun this week.

23 May 2011,

Runs - Speed and precipice ...

It's not just the "DC Big Bikes" or tunes that have their cars "runs". The small cars are also looking to live their way, but far from the large crowd attracted by the formerly underground racing cars.

23 May 2011,

Accidents: several injured, including two policemen, during the weekend

The road still has several injured during the weekend. Three accidents were reported, two occurred in the north and the third at St. Julien during a cycling competition in Pamplemousses.

23 May 2011,

Une jambe à 100 m d’un accident

A la suite d’un terrible accident survenu à Pamplemousses, jeudi après-midi, au cours duquel Ibrahim Nundloll, 42 ans, a perdu la vie, la police et les membres du Scene of Crime Office (SOCO) sont descendus sur les lieux, vendredi, pour une inspection.

23 May 2011,

Tanks to store 15,000 tons of fuel

A gain soon in the fuel sector. The State Trading Corporation (STC) will soon be able to build tanks to store some 15,000 tons of fuel.

23 May 2011,