Mauritius Mauritius
The government of Mauritius plans to increase its exclusive economic zone from 1900 to 2600 sq. km.
Prime Minister’s Office is working with Seychelles and Saint Brandon over the matter
04 Mar 2011,
Fuel reserves will raise in Mauritius
The Ministry of Commerce and Industry will immediately submit a proposal to Cabinet for the setting up of a strategic reserve of petroleum products following increasing risks of piracy in the Indian Ocean
04 Mar 2011,
The first Business and Research Incubation Centre (BRIC) has launched in Ebène
The setting up of the BRIC follows the Business Angels Forum which was held last year in a bid to bridge the gap between academia and the business world.
04 Mar 2011,
36 new buses replaced old in NTC
The National Transport Company (NTC) is renewing its fleet of buses to reduce expenses related to the repair of buses that have outlived their utility. NTC has just acquired 36 new buses of the Nissan brand. Eleven are already in use and 25 more are expected in the coming weeks. By May, the NTC will purchase 10 minibuses.
04 Mar 2011,
Biggest corruption scandal of India Liked with Mauritius
After the scandal around the Commonwealth Games, Port-Louis has served to conceal the bribes paid to Indian Minister for mobile phone licenses. The investigation of the Indian authorities to Mauritius on bribes paid bribes to a Minister for the granting of licenses to firms 2G mobile telephony seems to be working. It turns out that
04 Mar 2011, MauritiusHot
Sheila Bappoo Vs Leela Devi Dookun-Lutchmun
Here is another statement that could cast a chill in relations between the PTR and the MSM. The Minister of Gender Equality, Development and Child Welfare of the family, Sheila Bappoo, says she has no lessons from his colleague, Leela Devi Dookun-Lutchmun. She made this statement this afternoon on Radio Plus during the second part
04 Mar 2011, MauritiusHot
Mauritius Paradise Poker Tour – First Poker tournament in Mauritius
Mauritius will host from 26 March to 3rd April the biggest poker tournament never organized in the Indian Ocean . The “Million Paradise Poker Tour|” A lot of players from various countries are expected , (Mauritius, Réunion, Madagascar, Seychelles, Mayotte, but also France, South Africa, Lebanon and Switzerland) the tournament is also supported by its
04 Mar 2011, MauritiusHot
Cruelty on Primates in Mauritius – Government do not care for animals but only for money.
Prima Cyno Ltd., a relative newcomer in the business of capturing, breeding and export of macaques received the green light from authorities to proceed with his project. His certificate “Environment Impact Assessment (EIA) was presented on January 17 last by the Ministry of Environment. Bad news for the British NGO antivivisectionists as British Union for
04 Mar 2011, MauritiusHot
The wife of an Indian minister has transferred Rs 2 billion-bribe to Mauritius
After the scandal around the Commonwealth Games, Port-Louis has served to hide the bribes paid to Indian Minister for mobile phone licenses. A commission hold in Port-Louis has brought results.
03 Mar 2011,
Fuel price review is possible in mid-March
The price of oil on the world market continues to fluctuate. Sometimes it is $99.58 a barrel, or $102 or $107.95, or $112.57. On Wednesday, it was $114.89 a barrel, the highest level in two years. In Mauritius, the Petroleum Pricing Committee (PPC), a new mechanism established by the State Trading Corporation (STC), directly follows the evolution of prices on the world market.
03 Mar 2011,
Rs 800 is the cost of new license plates
Drivers are forced to pay more and more. Recent there was parking coupon price grow, fee for the personalised number plate and fitness test and now drivers have to pay Rs 800 for a new number plate.
03 Mar 2011,
2010: trade deficit of Rs 66.528 million
For the year 2010, total exports amounted to Rs 68,866 million, 11.6% higher than in 2009 and imports which amounted to Rs 135,394 million was up by 14.3%, resulting in a trade deficit of Rs 66,528 million, i.e 17.2% higher than in 2009.
02 Mar 2011,
Population and Vital Statistics 2010 of Mauritius was published
The population of the Republic of Mauritius was estimated at 1283415 as at 31 December 2010, growing at a rate of 0.4% since end 2009. There were 97.3 males for every 100 females.
02 Mar 2011,
Mauritius Tourist Industry – A lot of hotels to open in 2011
The opening of a dozen hotels is planned for this year bringing about what 1000 additional rooms to accommodate 980,000 tourists expected in 2011. Several hotels are scheduled to open or to be fully operational this year, representing an increase of 9% of the existing hotel supply. Long Beach Mauritius, whose opening is planned for
02 Mar 2011, MauritiusHot
New water pipes will cost Rs 2 billion
Big investment this year will be made to the Central Water Authority (CWA), old water lines, often outbreak, will be replaced in April it will cost Rs 2 billion. Whole project is esteemed around Rs 12 billion and includes the replacement of approximately 2 000 kilometers of pipes.
02 Mar 2011,
Savings of Rs 1 billion by industry composting
Developing industrial composting of households waste could save a billion rupees of expenditure per year. This is the goal is the Minister of Regional Administrations Hervé Aimée in the course of an ambitious project to compost solid waste.
02 Mar 2011,
Two vehicles torched in Belle Terre at three o'clock in the morning
Harish Boodhoo and his nephew cars parked in a shed beside his house were burned. Around 3 am Harish Boodhoo was awakened by his nephew told him that his car was burning. Once outside, the two men try to take the extinguisher to fight the fire. But the fire was too intense.
02 Mar 2011,
A truck driver arrested for attempted bribery at Pailles
The truck driver used his cell phone at the wheel. He was arrested for attempting to bribe, with a sum of Rs 500, the policeman who issued him a ticket.
02 Mar 2011,
Harish Boodhoo blames a Minister for the fire that broke out in his garage
It was around 2am 45 on Monday that Harish Boodhoo was alerted by neighbors of a fire that broke out was in his garage where were his car, a Proton, and 2×4′s nephew. Firefighters and police were called to the scene. The fire was extinguished at around 4am. However, both vehicles were completely destroyed. The
02 Mar 2011, MauritiusHot
The Great night of Shiva celebrated tonight
The night is symbolic of a condition prior to creation and refers to the chaos that existed before light. The god Shiva, the third member of the Hindu Trimurti, is celebrated during his long night, mainly in the form of a phallic symbol that is the Shiva lingam. Maha Shivaratri is held on the thirteenth
02 Mar 2011, MauritiusHot