Mauritius Mauritius

Loto: Player Wins Rs 42 Million

A player has found the winning combination for the Lotto draw on Saturday February 15.He checked the numbers 04-05-07-22-28-34 and won Rs 42,586,869 up for grabs

16 Feb 2014,

Accident à Beaux-Songes: «Mama, Papa Finn Mor…»

«Nou finn fer enn aksidan, mo kwar mama, papa finn mor…» a confié Rishi Ramchurn, en état de choc, à son oncle peu après l'accident. Il était au volant de sa BMW quand il est entré en collision avec un 2x4 hier, samedi 15 février, sur la route de Beaux-Songes, à Quatre-Bornes. Ses parents sont morts sur le coup.

16 Feb 2014,

Too Expensive Smartphones: ICT Minister Announced That He Will Make Prices Lower

"It is not possible that smartphones are accessible only for few selected." ICT Minister said at Thursday, Feb. 13 that mobile operators should offer more affordable packages for smartphones. And he intends to get there.

15 Feb 2014,

Price: No Change for Petrol and Diesel

The price of gasoline and diesel remain unchanged. This was indicated by the Petroleum Pricing Committee (PPC), which met yesterday, Friday, Feb. 14.

15 Feb 2014,

Loans for Studies: Banks Unveil Their Offers

Mauritius banks designed financing plans for students wishing to study abroad.

14 Feb 2014,

Accident Sodnac: Varma Apologizes on Facebook

He is accused of assaulting Florent Jeannot, a resident of Quatre Bornes, Quatre-Bornes after a road accident that occurred last year. This has even led to his resignation as Attorney General. And a little less than a year later, Yatin Varma, just apologize. The Prime Minister and to the Mauritian population ...

14 Feb 2014,

Employment Opportunities for Young: Career Fair Opens Its Doors

The goal? Improve the employability of young people. This is why universities and other institutions offering graduate courses rely on vocational training. Many of them will be present at the Career Fair , which opens its doors to the public this Friday, February 14.

14 Feb 2014,

Higher Education: TEC’s Partner Criticized by the Government of India

The Tertiary Education Commission (TEC) had in 2013 signed an agreement with the Association of Indian Universities (AIU) to circumvent the University Grants Commission (UGC). However, the Indian government has issued a series of criticisms against the AIU and reproached his "unprofessional."

14 Feb 2014,

Vol de Chèques: la Nouvelle Astuce D’une Bande de Malfrats Pour se Faire de L’argent

Des malfrats ont trouvé depuis peu un nouveau mode opératoire pour se faire de l’argent sans être mêlés directement à des vols. Ils utilisent des gens à qui ils remettent des chèques volés pour effectuer des achats onéreux de plus de Rs 100 000.

14 Feb 2014,

Accident à Grand-Baie: «J’ai Vu la Mort en Face»

Cette mère de famille se dit traumatisée. Vendredi soir, elle se trouvait sur la route de Grand-Baie lorsqu’une voiture l’a percutée de plein fouet. Le conducteur, un pilote d’Air Mauritius, était ivre, selon elle. Il serait reparti laissant derrière lui sa passagère blessée…

14 Feb 2014,

Accident: Policeman Hit By Biker

Police motorcyclist who controlled the traffic in Grande-Rivière-Northwest Wednesday morning was hit by another biker. The impact was extremely violent.

13 Feb 2014,

Local Football Championship Run By Private Sector

The Ministry of Youth and Sports, the Mauritius Football Associations, the elite clubs and the clubs of yesteryear (Sunrise, Fire Brigade, Cadets Club et Scouts Club) reached an agreement to establish a private league soon. Management of the clubs participating in the competition said that it will be provided by private firms. So it will be companies that will control and fund these clubs.

13 Feb 2014,

La Vidéo D’une Tortue Maltraitée au Parc La Vanille Suscite de Vives Reactions

«Inacceptable et cruel.» C’est en ces termes que les responsables du parc La Vanille des Mascareignes, à Rivière-des-Anguilles qualifient le traitement infligé à une tortue géante du parc, par une visiteuse. Une vidéo de cet incident a été publiée sur le réseau social Facebook.

13 Feb 2014,

Mauritian Property Bets Pay Off for South Africans Investors

South Africans who have in recent years bought holiday pads in Mauritius, typically with price tags exceeding R10m (Rs 27,3m), have been handsomely rewarded on the capital growth front.

13 Feb 2014,

Escroquerie par des Etrangers: les Témoins se Succèdent

Des non-citoyens de Maurice auraient contourné la loi afin d’acheter ou de louer des biens immobiliers. Une commission d’enquête, mise sur pied pour faire la lumière sur des cas d'escroquerie alléguée, entendra plusieurs témoins lors d’une audience prévue cette semaine.

13 Feb 2014,

CEB Invests Rs 6.2 Billion

Five projects at a cost of Rs 6.2 billion. The Central Electricity Board (CEB) does not skimp on the means for the production and supply of electricity. In fact, the electricity consumption is increasing and according to the forecasts of the CEB, a hint of 461 megawatt (MW) would be achieved this year.

13 Feb 2014,

The Enhancement Programme Launched On a Pilot Basis This Year

Slam, storytelling, sports ... Some components of the Enhancement Program will be mandatory in ten primary schools in a pilot project to be launched this year. And once implemented in all schools, the marks obtained will count for 25% of the points exams Std VI.

13 Feb 2014,

India Efforts On to Address Concern in Tax Treaty with Mauritius

Indian Government said at Tuesday efforts are being made to find mutually acceptable solution to address India's concerns while revising the tax treaty with Mauritius.

13 Feb 2014,

Basmati Rice: 2000 Tonnes Additional Imported

Given the popularity of basmati rice sold by the State Trading Corporation (STC), the body will again import this product. A cargo of 2,000 tonnes is expected in the near future. This rice costs 15% to 20% cheaper than other basmati rice on the market.

13 Feb 2014,

2014 Report of Press Freedom: Mauritius Goes from 62nd to 70th

W lost 8 seats. Mauritius tumbled from 62nd to 70th place in the world ranking of press freedom in 2014 published by Reporters Without Borders. This ranking includes 180 countries.

13 Feb 2014,