Migration Mauritius

Fuite des cerveaux : ce qui pousse les ingénieurs en informatique à délaisser le pays

Beaucoup d’ingénieurs en informatique mauriciens préfèrent aller travailler à l’étranger. C’est un constat unanime des opérateurs dans ce domaine. Quelles en sont les causes ? Comment remédier au problème ? Éléments de réponse.

11 Oct 2016, business.mega.mu

Selon le FMI : l’émigration nuit aux petits pays tels que Maurice

Les petites économies de l’Afrique subsaharienne souffrent de l’émigration, avec l’exode des cerveaux. Dans son rapport sur les perspectives économiques mondiales publiées au début du mois, le Fonds monétaire international prévoit que la migration dans cette région sera influencée par des mouvements démographiques déjà en progrès.

11 Oct 2016, business.mega.mu

Migration Circulaire: des Mauriciens Menacés de Déportation au Canada

«Assez bons pour travailler, assez bons pour rester.» C’est le slogan inscrit sur la banderole brandie, jeudi, par une vingtaine de Mauriciens.

21 Sep 2015, business.mega.mu

Émigration: Canada, l’Envers du Décor

Le Canada est-il toujours l’eldorado des Mauriciens ? Il semble qu’entre les lignes des annonces parues dans les journaux se cache une autre vérité. Selon certaines personnes qui ont choisi le Canada comme pays d’adoption, il faut au moins six ans pour arriver à s’intégrer à la vie canadienne.

26 Jul 2015, business.mega.mu

Immigration: les Parents Peuvent de Nouveau Rejoindre leurs Enfants au Canada

Le Parents and Grandparents Sponsorship Programme sera ouvert de nouveau à partir de ce vendredi 2 janvier 2015.

02 Jan 2015, business.mega.mu

Affaire Spherinity: Remous Autour de la Déportation d’un Népalais ce Samedi Matin

«Il faut absolument qu’il soit traduit devant un magistrat avant d’être déporté. C’est illégal de procéder de cette façon», s’insurge l’avocat Erickson Mooneapillay.

06 Dec 2014, business.mega.mu

Migration Circulaire : 31 Mauriciens Bénéficient de l’Accord Bilatéral Franco-Mauricien

Suite à un accord bilatéral franco-mauricien, la France affiche l’ambition de faciliter l’intégration en emploi des Mauriciens.

01 Jul 2014, business.mega.mu

Circular Migration: Canada Interested in Mauritian Doctors

We look forward to this new segment of our doctors because this new formula arrange many things for them!" underlines Karan Emerit, the Program Manager folder circular migration to the National Empowerment Foundation.

24 Apr 2014, business.mega.mu

Émigration: Pour le Meilleur et pour le Pire

Chaque année des centaines de Mauriciens s’envolent vers de meilleurs horizons. Pour fuir le chômage et le coût de la vie, ils émigrent dans les pays où l’herbe semble plus verte. Toutefois, loin de leur pays, nombreux se retrouvent en situation difficile.

16 Apr 2014, business.mega.mu

Circular Migration: Over 400 Mauritians Recruited in Canada

Departures to Canada have become more regular in the last three years. With the circular migration program, 421 Mauritians took employment as welders, cleaners, mechanics, industrial painters, truck drivers, vehicle manufacturers, carpenters, industrial equipment and heavy equipment operators since 2010 technicians.

14 Apr 2014, business.mega.mu

The State Intends to Review the Law on Permanent Residence Permits

"The law is too open, we want to review it." Navin Ramgoolam answered Tuesday, April 8, to Rajesh Bhagwan during the parliamentary session. Mauve member wanted to know the number of Permanent Residence Permits granted to foreigners since 2005.

10 Apr 2014, business.mega.mu

Combines et Galères des Clandestins Mauriciens

L’expulsion de Yashika Bageerathi par le Royaume-Uni a donné froid dans le dos à beaucoup de Mauriciens qui vivent clandestinement à l’étranger. Comme elle, ils sont nombreux à s’être envolés pour l’Europe ou d’autres pays à la recherche d’une meilleure vie.

07 Apr 2014, business.mega.mu

Circular Migration: 5000 Mauritians in 2014

Circular migration take on a new dimension for Mauritians in 2014. The Ministry of Labour is currently working to sign agreements that will enable Mauritians to find work in areas of white collar jobs.

13 Dec 2013, business.mega.mu

Mauritian Found Guilty in England of Illegally Providing Services and Advice in Immigration

The Mauritian Ramakrun Bushan Deepchand, director of Lambeth Solicitors, 35, was found guilty Wednesday, October 21, the court of Southwark in London, of illegally providing services and advice to immigration in Britain. Judge Michael Grieve was granted parole.

28 Oct 2013, business.mega.mu

Hotels and Fishing at Italy Recruits Mauritians

The circular migration agreement signed last year between the Government of Mauritius and that of Italy, is beginning to bear fruit. To date, 30 Mauritian entrepreneurs working in the field of agro-industry after a training session at the Mediterranean Agronomic Institute of Bari.

15 Oct 2013, business.mega.mu

Shakeel Mohamed about Circular Migration: "We Offer Mauritians a Choice to Work Abroad"

Circular migration plays an important role among the measures the Ministry of Labour. According to the minister, Shakeel Mohammed , it is a choice that is offered to Mauritians to not only work in Mauritius. And despite what the Opposition may think.

25 Sep 2013, business.mega.mu

Circular Migration: 30 Mauritians Will Head to Italy

The goal: to get a certification in several areas of the food industry. 30 operators in this sector, including farmers, agro-processeurs and officials of the Agricultural Research & Extension Unit and the Mauritius Standards Bureau, will travel to Italy for a two-week training at the Mediterranean Agronomic Institute of Bari.

24 Sep 2013, business.mega.mu

Circular Migration: Canada Opens Professionals

The National Empowerment Foundation (NEF) is currently in talks with the Canadian authorities to recruit Mauritian professionals in the fields of medicine, information technology and hospitality. This part of the agreement which was signed circular migration both countries.

14 Sep 2013, business.mega.mu

With Rising Unemployment, Emigration Attracts More Mauritians

Unable to find a suitable job, many of our compatriots prefer to seek their fortune elsewhere. Emigration to other places is not new. After all, we are a people resulting from emigration. Mauritians have always migrated for decades in search of better jobs. However, there is a new form of migration: The entrepreneurs.

16 May 2013, business.mega.mu

Circular Migration: 425 Mauritians were Able to Find Employment in Canada

The figure was disclosed this Tuesday, March 19: 425 Mauritians were able to find employment in Canada since 2011 in the framework of Circular Migration. Most of them work as a welder, painter or driver.

20 Mar 2013, business.mega.mu

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