Plan Mauritius

Five Tips to Creating a Winning Business Plan

Business plans help to focus your attention, set your goals and impress investors. They're your tactics sheet for making your business a success and therefore it's vital you get the formula right. Here are our top five tips to making sure your business plan is as in-depth and winning as a top football manager's playbook.

26 Nov 2012,

34,520 euros spent on Mauritius Sector Strategy Plan on Tourism 2009-2015

This was set up in collaboration with the European Union

20 Jul 2011,

Un plan d’action en ébauche pour augmenter le nombre de sièges d’avion

Le déséquilibre entre la capacité de chambres d’hôtels et le nombre de sièges proposé par le secteur aérien affecte les opérateurs hôteliers

23 Jun 2011,

The Draft Action Plan for Energy 2011/2025 will be discussed

The Action Plan for Energy is part of the Long Term Energy Strategy 2009-2025

08 Jun 2011,

Mauritius wants to more than triple its GDP per capita

The initial target of government is to attract around 200,000 brand-conscious visitors from emerging markets

28 Apr 2011,

Policy initiatives to lift Mauritian garment exports

The country intends to boost its overall exports from present Rs. 40 billion to Rs. 50 billion through 2013

05 Apr 2011,

Target for exporters is Rs50bn

"Our aim is to increase our total exports from Rs40 billion in 2010 to Rs50 billion in 2013.."

01 Apr 2011,

2.7-kilometer bridge is in plans

The bridge will be built through a public-private partnership

30 Mar 2011,