Port Mauritius

Transform the Port into a Regional Force

The port's ambitions without complex become a major player in the region. A legitimate aspiration especially as it provides the means to achieve them. But if it is on track to achieve its objective, the port sector has yet to modernize. Here are some ideas.

01 Nov 2013, business.mega.mu

Cargo Handling Corporation: Under 100,000 Containers in 2013

Port-Louis Harbour & Docks Workers' Union (PLHDWU) speaks of alarming situation in the harbor. According to its president, Rama Valaydon, he argues that the Cargo Handling Corporation Limited (CHC) showed a decrease of 100 000 containers at the transfer.

28 Oct 2013, business.mega.mu

Expansion Port: Fishermen Are Resisting!

The work initiated by the Mauritius Ports Authority (MPA) off last week.

04 Oct 2013, business.mega.mu

Port Supply Center

Rs 250 M. This is the amount collected by the State Trading Corporation (STC) from the sale of fuel to ships in 2012.

01 Oct 2013, business.mega.mu

Port: New Projects of Rs 7.3 Billion

The Mauritius Ports Authority (MPA) sees big. By 2018, the port plans to invest Rs 7.3 billion in the computerization of its services, infrastructure improvements and expansion of the port area.

08 Aug 2013, business.mega.mu

Port Louis Exports Gas to the Countries of the Indian Ocean

Three giant tanks for the storage of liquefied petroleum gas, for export, have arrived in the Red Sea. Made in Italy, these metal behemoths has a storage capacity of 50,000 tons of gas. The gas supply to these vessels will be done through a pipeline linking the dock.

29 Jul 2013, business.mega.mu

Crew in Distress: Tanker Locked in Port for a Month

A board Godshand is in despair. It's been about a month since 14 sailors and the captain are stuck on with oil on one side, a view of Port Louis, which is located about one nautical mile of the ship and on the other the sea.

24 Jul 2013, business.mega.mu

Port: Employees Accept 20% Wage Increase

Trade unionists in the harbour are satisfied. And employees are equally important. Once is not custom: an offer of 20% salary increase proposed by the CHC was accepted unanimously.

19 Jul 2013, business.mega.mu

Port: Dispute Almost Resolved

The five points reported by port unions to the Commission for Conciliation and Mediation (CCM) are almost settled dispute.

09 Jul 2013, business.mega.mu

Port: Seven Tons of Heavy Oil Recovered

Spill avoided. Seven tons of heavy oil spilled into the harbor of Port Louis when unloading tanker Red Eagle, could be pumped Thursday at mid-day at Quai D, through the Oil Spill Contingency Plan of the Mauritius Ports Authority (MPA).

05 Jul 2013, business.mega.mu

Port Louis: Vivo Energy Pipeline Breaks and Spills Gallons of Heavy Oil into the Bay

Several liters of heavy oil spilled, Wednesday, July 3, in the harbor of Port Louis. A pipeline owned by Vivo Energy broke during an unloading operation. The pumping operation began on Thursday.

04 Jul 2013, business.mega.mu

Port, Relations Industrielles: L’Ultimatum des Syndicats Expire le 8 Juillet

La situation ne semble guère évoluer dans le port après le rejet du rapport Appanah au sujet de la révision salariale. Après l’assemblée des travailleurs du port dans la journée d’hier, la Port-Louis Maritime Employees Association, affiliée à la General Workers Federation (GWF), a arrêté un ultimatum en vue de régler le litige salarial.

27 Jun 2013, business.mega.mu

Port: le Rapport Appana Rejeté, le Go-Slow Abandonné

Le «go-slow» entamé par les employés de la CHC depuis vendredi dernier et qui a mis en péril toute l’économie a pris fin ce mercredi 26 juin. La situation est retournée à la normale après le rejet du rapport Appana par le «board».

27 Jun 2013, business.mega.mu

Go-Slow In Harbour: Textile Industry Hit Hard

The whole economy is in jeopardy, warns President MEXA. Since the go-slow started by port workers, the textile sector is disrupted, including an order of Rs 200 million in the blocked port.

26 Jun 2013, business.mega.mu

Port Disrupted by a Go-Slow

Operations at the Cargo Handling Corporation (CHC) were idle Monday with the decision of workers to a 'go-slow' due to their disagreement with the recently proposed scale of wage increases.

25 Jun 2013, business.mega.mu

Port: Crucial Meeting Face Showdown Management-Worker

The standoff between the management and employees of the Cargo Handling Corporation continues. There are still disagreements on the revision of wages and working conditions. On Monday a meeting last opportunity is planned.

27 May 2013, business.mega.mu

Three Cranes Will Be Renovated

The Cargo Handling Corporation Ltd (CHC) will be revamped soon.Indeed, three of the five gates that CHC has be renovated because they have fifteen years of existence.

15 May 2013, business.mega.mu

MPA to Extend Port with Rs 3.5 bn Investment in 3 Years

The Mauritius Ports Authority (MPA) will inject Rs 3.5 billion over a period of three years in a project pertaining to the extension of the new terminal by 800 metres.

20 Mar 2013, business.mega.mu

Port: CHC is Positioned as the Regional Reference

The Cargo Handling Corporation Ltd (CHC) is positioned to become the leader of transshipment in the region. It displays the meter capacity dépasant far the international standards transhipment, with 21 container movements per hour against an average of 15 movements per hour.

04 Mar 2013, business.mega.mu

Port Development: Rs 3.3 Billions for Container Terminal Extension on 240 M

Tenders for civil and marine works for the extension of container berth of 240 meters will be launched in March.

18 Jan 2013, business.mega.mu