Psychology Mauritius

7 Ways to Unleash Unlimited Employee Energy

Your employees are an unlimited source of energy that can take your business to even higher levels of success. Here's how to encourage them.

22 Nov 2013,

Be Happier: 10 Things to Stop Doing Right Now

Sometimes the route to happiness depends more on what you don't do.

19 Nov 2013,

7 Difficult People You’ll Work With Abroad (and How to Deal)

Whether you’re working for a global NGO or your company is looking to expand in an emerging market, leading a group on a project abroad can be difficult. You have to help your team members navigate a new culture, understand new business practices, and deal with a different sense of time.

17 Nov 2013,

6 Worst Body Language Mistakes You Can Make in an Interview

Many hiring managers know in the first 5 or 10 minutes if a candidate is going to continue in the process. Your body language says a lot about if you’re going to be the right fit. However much you hear that managers will hire because of your experience and education, team fit is a crucial component to determine from the interview process.

15 Nov 2013,

10 Weird Ways To Destroy Stress At Work

Stress can bring you down whenever it arises and for many it strikes most viciously while at work. Self-help manuals, guru-driven philosophies and medical minds have all addressed the issue of dealing with anxiety. Here are some of the more unique suggestions that people have come up with:

13 Nov 2013,

6 Secrets for Avoiding Interruptions at Work

You’re working on a major project, and you’ve blocked out a few hours to really knock it out. But just as you’re getting into the zone, your boss stops by to drop off some paperwork.

12 Nov 2013,

7 Excuses We Use To Cover Up Failure

We all have things we could blame for derailing us in life. It’s only when you identify the excuses you’re using in life that you can really get ahead. Are you using any of these 7 excuses today?

12 Nov 2013,

How to Manipulate Your Kids into Doing What You Want

In an ideal world, parents would always be patient and nurturing, and kids would always be cooperative and make smart choices. This is not an ideal world, so we parents need a few sneaky strategies to preserve our sanity when the days are much too long and our patience much too thin.

08 Nov 2013,

How to Eliminate Negative Relationships to Create Room for Inspiring Ones

Make a list of people who inspire or deplete you. Draw a big X through the people on the "deplete" list. Now go cultivate the relationships you want.

01 Nov 2013,

How to Read Body Language to Reveal the Underlying Truth in Almost Any Situation

You've likely heard that body language accounts for up to 55% of how we communicate, but reading non-verbal cues isn't just about broad strokes.

15 Oct 2013,

6 Types of Toxic Thoughts That Can Sabotage Your Success

You can better fight the sabotaging voices in your head if you get to know them and give them a name.

11 Oct 2013,

6 Ways to Be More Confident

Whether you have to give a speech, need to negotiate with someone, want to find a mate, or simply get ahead in life, confidence is your best friend. If you're lacking in that regard, here's how to change your thinking or in the very least make it appear as if you're comfortable in your own skin.

01 Oct 2013,

8 Ways to Stay Calm in the Midst of Chaos

It's the nature of business to create panic and chaos. Everyone dreams of a company that runs smoothly and efficiently, but ambitious entrepreneurs, managers and salespeople can't help but push for speed. Rather than slow down on a product release or turn down a customer or two until processes are ready, decisions are made that tax resources and send teams into a frenzy.

30 Sep 2013,

35 Questions That Will Change Your Life

“Judge a man by his questions rather than his answers.” – Voltaire

16 Sep 2013,

How to Avoid the Most Common Awkward Conversation Mistakes

On the surface, conversation seems easy enough.

16 Sep 2013,

The Science of Breaking Out of Your Comfort Zone (and Why You Should)

You've seen inspirational quotes that encourage you to get out and do something strange—something you wouldn't normally do—but getting out of your routine just takes so much work.

15 Sep 2013,

Eleven Things Science Shows Will Make You Happier Every Day

Did you know there are 11 ways we can make ourselves happier, and they are backed up by scientific research?

12 Sep 2013,

8 Ways to Improve Your Attitude

A positive attitude make success easy; a negative one makes success pointless.

09 Sep 2013,

11 Body Language Essentials for Your Next Negotiation

If you aren't in control of your body language, it doesn't matter how much you've prepared for a negotiation. Here are some top tips.

05 Sep 2013,

The Introvert's Guide to Surviving Teamwork

The mindset, skillsets, and deliberate practice you'll need to make your mark

03 Sep 2013,