Rice Mauritius

Basmati Rice: STC Its Claws

Volatility in the price of basmati rice on the world market concerned. It sells for between $ 1,500 and $ 1,700 per tonne. Importers believe that the price of the rice will rise further in the coming weeks. Ajodha Anand, the director of Funny Traders, one of the largest importers of rice in the country, argues that large traders in India and Pakistan prefer to store their rice as Iran begins to buy several tons.

17 Oct 2013, business.mega.mu

No Decrease in Rice Prices Soon

Consumers will have to wait until the price of basmati rice are experiencing a decline.

23 May 2013, business.mega.mu

Consumption Basmati Rice: Prices Soared

Approximately 75-80% of the population consumes basmati rice in Mauritius. But in recent months, the price of this commodity are continuing to soar. A price spike has only just begun, prevent importers. At issue: a high demand but very little supply on the world market.

24 Apr 2013, business.mega.mu

Chinese Rice Contaminated: STC Reassures

In the midst of a series of food scandals in the world, the BBC reveals the results of a study of the United States (U.S.) Food and Drug Administration (FDA) that are chilling.

12 Apr 2013, business.mega.mu

Consumption: Basmati 20% More Expensive

The shopping basket will still take a blow in a few weeks. Indeed, the price of basmati rice is expected to increase by 20% shortly.

26 Feb 2013, business.mega.mu

"Mighty Rice" Arrived at Market

Rice produced in Mauritius, should already be on the shelves of supermarkets but a technical problem in a packing machine could not afford it. 1000 tons of 'Mighty Rice' are ready to be sold

05 Feb 2013, business.mega.mu

Rice Cultivation in Mauritius

Only the first rice harvest Made in Mauritius started, officials Vita Rice evoke the export opportunities of the commodity to the European and American market.

22 May 2012, business.mega.mu

Le Kilo de Riz Basmati Rs 30 Plus Cher en Juin

La digestion sera difficile : le sachet de 5 kg de riz basmati, qui se vend à Rs 275, passera à Rs 425 début juin ! Pourquoi cette hausse ?

15 May 2012, business.mega.mu

Riz Basmati : les Mauvaises Cargaisons Seront Bientôt Saisies

Les importateurs du riz basmati n’ont qu’à bien se tenir. Le Parquet est actuellement en présence des nouveaux règlements visant à mieux contrôler la qualité de cette denrée sur le marché. Il s’agit du Basmati Rice (Control of Sale) Regulations 2012.

02 Apr 2012, business.mega.mu

Farine et Riz : des Sachets de 25 kg Disponibles

A partir de ce matin, la farine et le riz ration seront disponibles dans des sachets de 25 kg. C’est une première pour le pays, car jusqu’ici c’étaient seulement des sachets de 50 kg qui étaient disponibles.

15 Mar 2012, business.mega.mu

New Regulations for Basmati Rice: Tight Control Required

Basmati rice importers must comply with specific regulations of the Mauritius Standards Bureau (MSB) to ensure that there is no infringement. If the initiative is welcomed, it is still several details that must be considered in its implementation.

25 Jan 2012, business.mega.mu

Rice 'Made in Mauritius' on the Local Market Soon

At the initiative of the Singapore company Vita Grain Private Ltd, the rice produced in Mauritius will enter the local market towards the end of the first quarter of 2012.

03 Jan 2012, business.mega.mu

Le Riz Basmati Sera Contrôlé L’Année Prochaine

Importateurs, grossistes et détaillants de basmati, soyez sur vos gardes ! Le ministre du Commerce compte sévir l’année prochaine contre ceux qui commercialisent du faux basmati.

29 Dec 2011, business.mega.mu

Basmati: a Certificate of Authenticity Required from Importers from January 2012

It was not until early 2012 for the long-awaited change in the market of basmati rice. The amendments to be made to the legislation on the import of this variety of rice are being finalized at the Ministry of Industry and Trade.

12 Dec 2011, business.mega.mu

Rice ration: The State Trading Corporation will no longer impose quotas to traders

The State Trading Corporation (STC) has decided to lift the quota imposed on traders. This is to stop the "artificial shortages" created by some because of the higher quality of rice on the market.

24 Nov 2011, business.mega.mu

Riz De Thaïlande 33 % Plus Cher La Semaine Prochaine

Mauvaise nouvelle pour les consommateurs. Le riz importé de Thaïlande, notamment le ‘long grain white rice’, coûtera 33 % plus cher à partir de la semaine prochaine.

09 Nov 2011, business.mega.mu

Mauritius buys 2000 tonnes of white rice from Pakistan

23 Aug 2011, business.mega.mu

Mauritius to import 6000 tonnes of rice

15 Jun 2011, business.mega.mu