Sharks Mauritius
Grand-Gaube: il retire de l’eau des… requins au lieu de poissons
Il était parti pêcher, lundi. Mais au lieu d’attraper des poissons, ce sont des requins qu’il a sortis de l’eau. Depuis, les photos de cette «prise» font le buzz sur Facebook.
06 Nov 2017,
Great white shark leaps into tiny boat, fisherman treats it like NBD
Terry Selwood was hoping to catch some snapper off the coast of Evans Head in Australia when a great white shark leapt out of the sea and into his boat.
30 May 2017,
Des requins au Nord de Maurice: des images exceptionnelles
Depuis les dégâts causés dans la «fosse aux requins» au large du Coin de Mire par des braconniers, les amateurs de requins désespéraient de voir ces squales au nord de Maurice.
29 Nov 2016,
Des Requins Aperçus dans le Sud de l’Ile
Des requins ont été aperçus dans des lagons du sud de l’île. La police dit être au courant de cette situation, mais précise qu’il s’agit, selon les informations disponibles, de requins de petite taille et qu’il n’y a pas lieu de s’alarmer.
11 Aug 2015,
Surfer Mick Fanning Escapes Shark Attack
A surfing competition in South Africa was canceled Sunday after professional surfer Mick Fanning escaped a shark attack in the opening minutes of the final heat.
20 Jul 2015,
Blue-Bay : un Requin Retrouvé Mort dans le Lagon
La présence des requins dans nos lagons est fréquente en cette période. Un requin de 1 mètre 50 a été repêché dans le lagon de Blue-Bay lundi 5 janvier.
08 Jan 2015,
Alerte au Requin à Belle-Mare
La police appelle à la vigilance du public dans la région de Belle-Mare, où un requin a été aperçu jeudi matin 4 décembre par un membre du public.
05 Dec 2014,
St-Brandon: un Pêcheur Décède Après Avoir Eté Attaqué par un Requin
Une partie de pêche au gros a viré au drame hier, jeudi 20 novembre, à St-Brandon. Vikash Dhauro, un habitant de Pailles âgé de 39 ans, se trouvait dans une pirogue lorsqu’il a été attaqué par un requin. Il n’a pas survécu à ses blessures.
21 Nov 2014,
Shark Spotted at La Passe Canon
The presence of sharks were reported in Poste Lafayette on Sunday morning by the National Coast Guard (NCG). It was during a patrol that coastguard noticed sharks at least one meter long.
16 Dec 2013,
Reunion: Surfer Killed by Shark
A metropolitan tourist honeymoon in Reunion was killed Wednesday by a shark while surfing practiced, which made him the first victim of the shark since the beginning of the year on the island where the animal was killed three people in 2012 and 2011.
09 May 2013,
Eight new species of sharks have been discovered in the Indian Ocean
Eight new species of sharks have been discovered in the Indian Ocean by a student , Paul Clerkin, a graduate student at California’s Moss Landing Marine Laboratories after studying abroad for about two months. Now, he and other researchers will take the sharks’ genetics, and do some extensive measuring. The sharks were caught as bycatch [...]The post Eight new species of sharks have been discovered in the Indian Ocean appeared first on Mauritius News Ile Maurice.
20 Aug 2012, KotZot
Reunion: New Shark Attack on Sunday
A forty years surfer was seriously injured by a shark this Sunday, Aug. 5 on the spot of Saint-Leu, reports the Journal of the island of Reunion. His days are not in danger.
07 Aug 2012,
Reunion: "The Fishermen are Snorkeling Increasingly Loaded with Sharks"
In addition to surfers, fishermen, professionals or amateurs, another category of fishermen, this time. Not a job but a passion that is more "complicated" and "dangerous" according to some of his followers of fishing.
28 Jul 2012,
Reunion: Surfer Dies from Shark Attack
A 22 year old surfer was attacked on Monday (July 23) by a shark on the spot of Three Basins before succumbing to his injuries. Three of his comrades tried everything to save him, in vain.
25 Jul 2012,
Shark Alert
The presence of a shark from 2 meters long reported in the lagoon of Blue Bay from 10am.
14 Feb 2012,