Speed Mauritius

Can Great Leaders Stay On Cruise Control? In A Word, No

Sometimes on hectic days I wonder if there will ever come a time when life is easier. I love to use the cruise control in my car. I just sit back without worrying about the speed because it’s all taken care of by the car.

11 Jul 2013, business.mega.mu

56 speed cameras to be installed on Mauritian roads

Fifty-six Fixed speed Cameras will soon be installed on additional roads to encourage to reduce speeding on roads The Central Procurement Board (CTB) is currently evaluating the bids that were received for the installation of these devices. Delivery will be done in stages before implementation. The first phase is to deliver the speed Cameras to [...]The post 56 speed cameras to be installed on Mauritian roads appeared first on Mauritius News Ile Maurice.

01 Aug 2012, KotZot