Strategy Mauritius
The 12 Habits Of Highly Collaborative Organizations
When it comes to the future of work and collaboration I’ve worked with and researched hundreds of companies.
05 Aug 2013,
Customers Complain. Here's 5 Rules to Help Your Employees Deal With It
Get your staff to follow this easy five-step process and your customers will be happier than ever.
01 Aug 2013,
4 Steps To Test Revenue-Management Strategies
Revenue managers should test new strategies by following the basics components of a real test: hypothesis, timing, metrics and analysis.
31 Jul 2013,
Maximizing Reach Through Online Marketing
Online marketing presents hotels with unprecedented opportunities to grow and reach new customers.
31 Jul 2013,
10 Recipes for Better Thinking
The fact is, when you teach business, you have to know business.
29 Jul 2013,
Do Your Negotiating Techniques Create Value?
It’s no longer a game of hard-ball. Today’s negotiations are about more than just money
28 Jul 2013,
Big Presentation? 5 Rookie Mistakes to Avoid
Every entrepreneur needs to present at some point. From apologies to information overload, a primer on what not to do.
18 Jul 2013,
Stop Focusing. See Around Corners Instead
The easiest way to get blindsided by a new competitor? Too much focus.
18 Jul 2013,
9 Biggest Mistakes New Entrepreneurs Make
Screwing up from time to time is part of the entrepreneurial process--but not all mistakes are created equal.
17 Jul 2013,
Extending Your Brand May Dilute its Identity
Nokia, BlackBerry and Samsung are all victims of product line-extensions
15 Jul 2013,
What Are the Limits of Transparency?
Modern business theorists hail the open organization, but secrets between employers and employees are sometimes a good thing. What's the proper balance between transparency and opaqueness? asks Professor Jim Heskett.
12 Jul 2013,
When to Think Inside the Box
Thinking outside the box sounds great, but a bad out-of-the-box idea can kill your company.
19 Jun 2013,
3 Ways to Survive in the Hourglass Economy
As income inequality grows, companies that target middle-income consumers face a dwindling customer base.
13 Jun 2013,
Disruption Lessons From Airbnb
Your future competitors will likely supply what you do--but from cheaper, off-the-radar sources.
18 May 2013,
Ask These 3 Questions Before You Launch
Don't get so caught up in the idea for your start-up that you fail to think about the basics.
15 May 2013,
How to Evaluate a Market Strategy
These seven characteristics of market strategies actually generate sales.
21 Mar 2013,
4 Key Things Great Strategic Thinkers Do
To succeed as an entrepreneur, you know you have to be a bit of a visionary. You also, especially in your business's early days, need to be a bit of a sales person, programmer, PR expert, internal travel agent, speaker's bureau, and human resources department, to name just a few other chores.
15 Mar 2013,
Three Tips to Re-Focus Your Team on the New Strategy
Most strategic change initiatives fail, or at least hit some major bumps along the road. If your team is struggling to adapt to a new strategy, try these three things to get them back on track:
30 Nov 2012,
Management Tip: Three Steps to Give Your Team the Direction It Needs
All too often, people work really hard on a project without fully understanding how their efforts contribute to the organization's overall goals. Next time your team isn't sure where it's headed, take these three steps:
02 Nov 2012,
34,520 euros spent on Mauritius Sector Strategy Plan on Tourism 2009-2015
This was set up in collaboration with the European Union
20 Jul 2011,